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The World’s Easiest


Brown rice salad – The world’s easiest

When it comes to lunch in my house, I’m usually by myself, or I don’t want what everyone else is having. Another rule is, it has to be simple and quick to make. When I get hungry during the day, I don’t feel like breaking out the pots and pans, I want to eat! Also, […]

Inspirational chick pea salad

It was crunch time… about 5:15 and I needed a side dish to serve with the grilled orange roughy Keith was so painstakingly cooking out on the deck. I like to think of myself as an organized, prepared person, but somehow the planning for tonight’s menu went south. I had chick peas and several veggies. […]

Three Quick dinners – Redneck Cooking

Jeff’s back Guest-clacking for us again, after sharing his Ultimate Burger recipe with us last week…. How many times have you gotten home after a long hard day of work, exhausted and to tired to cook? I have here some of my favorite and fast dinner recipes that are guaranteed to fill you up and […]

Rice cooker risotto: it can be done – World’s Easiest

My prime motivation of laziness resulted in a brilliant discovery tonight: risotto can be made in the rice cooker. No, really. Stop — you sound like my dad. It really isn’t always about technique, you know. Sometimes the right ingredients and a little ingenuity can create an amazingly flavorful dish. We were going to make […]

Brown rice in the oven – The World’s Easiest

There is an art to cooking rice on the stovetop. Since I am beholden to my rice cooker, I rarely practice it. After all, if you haven’t already guessed, I’m a little impatient, and rather easily distracted. These qualities often add up to a rice disaster, typically in the form of rice that (1) boils […]

Smoothie galore! – The Rookie Cook makes smoothies

About two years ago, I decided to analyze what I ate in a week to know if I met the standards listed in Canada’s Food Guide. Before starting the experiment, I was pretty sure I wouldn’t meet the required daily portions of fruits and vegetables and of dairy products. So it’s without much surprise that […]

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