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I’d like some pork with my pork – The Fattening of America

Folks, I want to alert you to a conspiracy to fatten every single American who goes out to eat. We’re not talking about aliens who are slowly taking over by injecting small amounts of cellulite into us every night; that’s just a known fact that’s been on the cover of The Sun. What we’re talking […]

Fast Food Generation: my life without Big Macs

Let me introduce myself. My name is Richard Keller and, as of January 17th, I have not had a McDonald’s burger or fry in two years. Shocking, I know! Especially since you can’t throw a chicken nugget out the car window without striking a set of golden arches. Nevertheless, it’s true. It’s also a bit […]

Poutine anyone?

Unless you visited the Province of Quebec, Canada, or ate at a Miami restaurant owned by Quebecers, it’s unlikely that you ate a real poutine. And if you tried making what Shania Twain claimed to be a poutine when she appeared on Martha Stewart’s show a few years back, you definitely did not eat a […]

XXX Menus – Bistro 110, Chicago

It seems to me that everyone would get how good food is the pinnacle of happiness. I mean, yeah, I love chocolate, and I love a good burger. But I’m talking food, the kind of food you can’t possibly imagine eating without the perfect wine to accompany it. I’m talking pornographic food. I actually feel […]

“Ma la” = delicious

Yesterday evening, at the suggestion of some savvy Chowhounds, a friend and I rode the 7 train to the end of the line, Flushing-Main Street, the real NYC Chinatown.  There is nothing like playing tourist in your own city!  Flushing is a world apart from Manhattan.  Beijing opera music blares from streetside speakers, and open […]

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