
A few thoughts going into the American Idol finale

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Two more ‘Idol’ episodes remain. And, regardless of the fast approaching end to a tumultuous season, I remain loyal in seeing it through to its conclusion.


Things have definitely been lively on American Idol of late.

In a season filled with uncertainty, it’s the one thing that has been indisputably certain.

But … for all the wrong reasons.

Unneeded drama has overseen the mission statement of the show this year. Want proof? Here are a few examples … and from just the last 10 days or so: American Idol to Axe All Judges. Randy Jackson Is Leaving American Idol. How American Idol lost the magic this yearAn off-tune American Idol strategy of making hit show about judges instead of contestants has viewers tuning out. That last report by David Hinckley of New York Daily News strikes home, something the fans of the show have been decrying for the last few years. And it’s something I’ve touched on time and again in my posts here.

I mean … all you need to do is take a look at the photo below and ask yourself a simple question:

Four Judges-001 revDoes this group look like a quartet of happy campers?

Despite all the drama, despite Idol seeming to have lost its way over the last couple years with the revolving door of judges, despite the hoo-ha and raised hackles Carey and Minaj have displayed (and continue to display), regardless of the rumors about the show getting a major overhaul during the off-season, in spite of the tired themes we’ve seen played out yet again over the past weeks, I’m still invested in this season to its conclusion; I’ve been invested in it for years.

I’m still invested in this season to its conclusion; I’ve been invested in it for years.

Why? Because a lot of good stuff has come out of it since its inception, not the least of which is the fact we’ve gotten some pretty entertaining performances from its hopefuls. Not to mention #1 albums. Hit songs. And Grammys. Broadway performances. Let’s not forget about that Academy Award. Ad infinitude.

And, as a music lover, I love all that stuff. That’s what I tune in to see, the start of the process and, later, its culmination … however that might manifest itself. I don’t watch it for the spectacle. If you read what I’ve written previously about the show it may seem otherwise. But the spectacle is rather difficult to avoid. (It’s difficult NOT to comment on as well.) Nature of the beast.

Besides, I have an active, personal bet going which started when I called out Lazaro Arbos’ exit (easiest prediction ever at that time). And that bet has continued successfully right on through the Top 5 and into our current state of affairs with Kree Harrison’s and Candice Glover’s upcoming final competitive performances.

For me, the bottom line this season is the finale and seeing Candice take the prize. She is the better of the two remaining contestants, after all. But I have a soft spot for Kree as she’s been my favorite all along, something that goes back way before I got acquainted with her family history and her parents’ passings. And because of her history, I wouldn’t count out all the sympathy play that could conceivably translate into votes. That’s not what I want, but we’ve seen it happen in the past and it could very well hold water in the end. In that event, I’d be a bit surprised but pleased nonetheless for her to come out on top.

For me, the bottom line this season is the finale and seeing Candice take the prize. She is the better of the two remaining contestants, after all.

So here we go, limping toward the finish line of a final AI chapter we haven’t ever experienced before. For some of us, it will be a welcome relief. For others an exasperated sigh and head shake. For still more it will be the perfect place to end the relationship with the show knowing a gal finally wins the title after a half a decade reign of Y chromosomes.

I’ll be watching the penultimate episode. Enthusiastically.


Photo Credit: FOX

2 Comments on “A few thoughts going into the American Idol finale

  1. Agree 100%. You just forgot one thing. The friendships that have come from this show. So many people that I converse with not only online but via the telephone that I would never have known without American Idol. For that alone the show will always hold a soft spot in my heart. What will come next year we will see, will I keep watching we will see. But the friends I have made I hope to keep for a very long long time.

  2. So glad to see you finally agree with me about Candice. ‘Nuff said.

    When Idol and The Voice began airing during the same part of the year, Idol started looking it’s age and failing most of my comparisons. However, something kept me watching even this season with all the judges’ drama [and the spin control whitewash of that drama]. Somewhere in the last few weeks … probably since Lazaro’s departure and an all female final five … I have recognized that I am emotionally invested in Idol, not The Voice. [Psychiatric evaluation still pending.]

    I don’t know that we can sign off American Idol just yet. We survived one season with a judge that did a strip tease [exposing a swim suit] just to show up a contestant. We got through two seasons of Stephen *bleep* Tyler, and even began to appreciate some of his critiques. And now we have survived Ninja Nikki who has made comments this season to make Paula Abdul look intelligible. This show may be unkillable.

    Gina, as one of those friends, the show definitely has been the core commonality that introduced me to some wonderful people. I would be sad to see American Idol gone, but ever since M*A*S*H* concluded, I have had to admit that nothing is forever on television.

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