CliqueClack TV

Who will be a messiah first: Starbuck or Locke?

John LockeTwo of my favorite shows on television right now are Lost and Battlestar Galactica. I won’t go into all the reasons I love them, but suffice it to say: they’re the awesomest!

One thing that I have noticed lately is that both of the shows appear to be setting things up to make one of their long time characters into a messiah of sorts. Both Starbuck and John Locke appear more and more like a messiah in the making. By all appearances, they both have complicated and important “destinies,” and both have seemingly died.

Let’s take a closer look.

Locke’s build up to messiah status has been brewing for quite some time now. Even in the first season there were hints. In one of Locke’s first flashback episodes, we met John’s crazy mother who claimed that he was immaculately conceived. Since then we’ve seen many different people tell John that he is special and that he has an important destiny.

The Others seem to view him in a very odd light. When he first visited their camp, he was treated very reverently, and many of the people were excited to see him, claiming that they had been waiting for him to arrive. There is still a lot to be explored, but at this point, Locke has appeared to die “for his people.” Alpert told John that he had to die in order to save everyone on the island. Aside from that, everything this season certainly makes it seem like John will be resurrected once he is returned to the island. What’s more messianic than that?

Starbuck’s journey to messianic figure has been a little late in developing, but may be even more compelling that Locke’s. Early on, we saw that the Cylon model called Leoben was obsessed with Kara, telling her that she had a very important “destiny.” Sounds familiar. At the end of season three Starbuck presumably died, only to reappear at the end of the season, unharmed. Could this have been a case of resurrection? It certainly seems that way, particularly with the discovery of Kara’s charred corpse on the surface of Earth. This discovery terrified Leoben, which leads me to believe that perhaps he knows more about Kara and her destiny.

Here’s another thought I had in regards to Starbuck. What if those much-maligned scrolls of Pythia aren’t talking about Roslin when they discuss a dying leader who will lead her people to the promised land. What if Kara Thrace is the leader mentioned in these prophecies? It would appear that she died, which would fulfill one part of the prophecy. Additionally, she did a whole lot more to lead her people to Earth than Roslin ever did. I think this could lead to some really interesting directions for BSG moving forward, and would definitely give the show an out for Laura, who I really don’t want to see die.

Photo Credit: ABC

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8 Responses to “Who will be a messiah first: Starbuck or Locke?”

January 28, 2009 at 11:57 AM

Why did it not dawn on me earlier about they dying leader being Starbuck? I’ve always thought that she was the one…but have let others convince me that the lore points to Roslin. Frankly, I’ve never found Roslin much of leader at all. I think she made one inspirational speech, but other than that she really has no purpose other than her title.

Wow – thanks Bob!

January 28, 2009 at 12:19 PM

I think I remember the hybrid saying something like, “Thus it shall come to pass that the dying leader shall know the truth of the opera house.” Kara is not in on the opera house visions. If I’m wrong I’m sure someone will tell me.

I simply can’t believe all of Roslin’s troubles are for naught. ;)

January 28, 2009 at 12:25 PM

found it:

▪ Then shall the maidens rejoice at the dance.
▪ They’ll start going ripe on us pretty soon.
▪ Centrifugal force reacts to the rotating frame of reference.
▪ The obstinate toy soldier becomes pliant.
▪ The city devours the land, the people devour the city…
▪ Intruders swarm like flame, like the whirlwind; Hopes soaring to slaughter all their best against our hulls.
▪ All these things at once and many more, not because it wishes harm, because it likes violent vibrations to change constantly.
▪ But you are a spark of God’s fire.
▪ The children of the one reborn shall find their own country.
▪ Compartmentalize integrity conflicts with the obligation to provide access.
▪ No ceremonies are necessary.
▪ Contact is inevitable, leading to information bleed.
▪ Assume the relaxation length of photons in the sample atmosphere is constant.
Just as the Hybrid is being disconnected from its basestar she delivers one final, and unusually coherent, message to Thrace:
▪ Thus will it come to pass. A dying leader will know the truth of the Opera House. The missing Three will give you the Five who come from the home of the Thirteenth. You are the harbinger of death, Kara Thrace. You will lead them all to their end. End of Line. (Faith)

January 28, 2009 at 12:32 PM

Yeah let’s make sense of this show. Let’s try that *snicker*

Adama could be the leader as well or why was he popping pills?

January 28, 2009 at 2:12 PM

Like a dog is drawn to it’s own vomit, you can’t control yourself.

January 28, 2009 at 12:48 PM

I don’t think it was necessarily the discovery of Starbuck’s body that scared Leoben – although he seemed shaken – but when she told him what the hybrid said about her being the harbinger of death is when he fled the scene. It was one of those “She said that to you? See ya!” moments. It was more the message than the physical evidence that freaked him out. The question is why?

January 28, 2009 at 1:17 PM


Locke in the first episode walked when he couldn’t off the island, right there is the start of greatness. Starbuck was a kickass, then she became a bitch, then she died and came back. Bleh.

January 28, 2009 at 11:40 PM

You forgot the part where the prophecy says the dying leader would be suffering from a “wasting disease,” too. So as much as I like your theory, I highly doubt it’s Starbuck.

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