CliqueClack TV

See Jane Clack – Is Willow a lesbian? Is The Bachelor a Bastard?


This week, I’m a-clackin’ about everything from The Bachelor to Buffy (yes, again). Read on, and add your own clacks in the comments.

Is the Bachelor a bastard? I haven’t even watched The Bachelor this season, but I sure heard all about the shocker finale last week. Without knowing anything about it, my feeling is he should follow his heart. And if he realized he chose the wrong girl, then he needed to make it right, rather than everyone being miserable until the eventual divorce. What do you think?

Gross commercials just turn me off. You’ve probably seen the commercial with the girl riding the bicycle, her freakishly long armpit hair flying back into some poor guy’s face. I have no idea what they’re selling, but whatever it is, I’m not buying. Why would a company be so horrendously dumb as to create a commercial that makes me want to change the channel? If there are any ad people reading this, please clue me in!

Does anyone watch Dr. Phil? Because I don’t know anyone who does. Plus, I just saw a commercial of an upcoming show about a gold-digging girl who rejected a limo driver who was actually worth millions of dollars. It’s not even remotely interesting. I used to like Dr. Phil when he was on Oprah, but now I just have no desire to even seek his show out. I guess when he was on someone else’s show and I happened across it, I’d watch. But by itself, it’s just not a strong enough pull.

Is Willow a lesbian? I’m almost through season four of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and I’m wondering if Willow truly is a lesbian. So far, I’ve only seen her practicing her spells with her friend who’s a girl, but it’s clear that they’re headed in the direction of them being romantically linked. And Willow sort of seems open to the idea, too. I mean, she’s a witch, after all, and I would think they’re ultra-sensitive to peoples’ vibes. She’d have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to pick up on the other girl’s vibes. I think it might be kind of cool. I guess lesbian wouldn’t be exactly correct, since she had a nice relationship with Oz before he left for parts unknown. Then again, he was a werewolf. What’s the term for someone who’s into werewolves and lesbians?

Angel is interesting, but not as good as Buffy. I’m watching season one of Angel concurrently with season four of Buffy, switching off shows with every other disc. I really like Angel, and David Boreanaz is a pretty hot and sexy vampire (though not as hot and sexy as Moonlight‘s Mick St. John). But I’m still not as mesmerized with the show as I am with Buffy. I think it’s the characters. I’m just not as invested in them as Buffy, though maybe that will change as the show goes along. And I hope they figure out how to bring Doyle back. I really liked him.

So what made you clack this week?

Photo Credit: FOX

9 Responses to “See Jane Clack – Is Willow a lesbian? Is The Bachelor a Bastard?”

March 9, 2009 at 5:59 PM

I can’t wait to watch Bonnie Hunt tonight, because she had The Bachelor on today, and she’s been freaking out about him since the finale. He was on her show earlier, and she really liked him, so it will be a good interview (and I don’t even watch the damned Bachelor!).

I was unsure if I really registered the armpit hair…thanks for the confirm. And, gag. Isn’t that the same commercial that makes us all out to be automotrons with that weird voice and flat nasally singing? I turn it off, too. The monotone song reminds me of free credit – I’d like to slap the shit out of these ad men.

I occasionally watch Dr. Phil, but I’m not sure why. I think it’s because it’s on right after Guiding Light, and when I’m home I watch that and it rolls right into Phil. He sometimes has some great things to say – I believe his approach via common sense, but he also makes excuses for people I’d like to strangle (octomom).

I think that too many people have decided that sexuality is an either/or, and I disagree with it. I think there are many people who can just as easily love someone of the opposite sex as they do their own. I realize it does nothing for the cause, but perhaps the cause should pointing in that direction. I feel Willow is one of those people to whom a label wouldn’t be accurate.

I have to agree with Buffy/Angel. I watched Angel the first few seasons, and it didn’t have the same humor or it wasn’t speckled with as many light moments for me to truly enjoy it. Of course, when Spike went back, it became must see for me again, because it was SPIKE. Duh.

And I liked the romance of Moonlight better than Angel, too. I think the demons were too goofy or something, when the rest of the show wasn’t. Wish I could explain how I felt about it adequately, but I know there are just as many people who feel completely the opposite!

Fun post, Jane. :-)

March 9, 2009 at 6:23 PM

Jane, slog through the first season of Angel. For most of the year it was trying to find it’s footing. Talk to me again after you’ve watched the very awesome season 1 finale.

I think you’ll fall in love with the characters too. You haven’t even met half some of the main players moving forward, and I think Wesley may be my favorite Buffyverse character of all time (well, after Anya).

March 9, 2009 at 6:50 PM

You throw Fred and Tara in there, and you’ve got my favorite four characters of all of Buffyverse too.

March 9, 2009 at 8:48 PM

The heading of this article made me say something and then I remembered that you’ve never watched the show so I’ll keep quiet.

I think your question is cute :-)

The only reason I am enjoying Dollhouse at the moment is Amy Acker. Come on Dorv, you know that’s your reason too :-)

March 9, 2009 at 9:24 PM

Definitely not the only reason, but its up there :)

March 9, 2009 at 10:50 PM

“What’s the term for someone who’s into werewolves and lesbians?”


March 9, 2009 at 11:37 PM

Just make sure you watch disc 5 of Buffy season 4 before disc 5 of Angel season 1 or else you will be confused.

March 10, 2009 at 2:14 PM

HA! I am doing the same thing with Buffy/Angel … I just finished B:tVS season 5 & Angel season 2.

March 13, 2009 at 3:38 AM

Kevin – Thank you for that intel, because I was JUST at that point, so got the watching order right, thanks to you.

Degon – Thanks for the encouragement, because I’m still at the point where I’m slogging through a disc of Angel, only so I can get back to Buffy. On Angel, we’ve got semi-lame stories like Cordelia having alien babies and Angel fighting demons a la Thunderdome. Meanwhile on Buffy, we’ve got Buffy and Riley having hot sex while vines grow around them!

I just wanna know when Spike and Buffy get to have sex!

Modwild – I agree. Willow is immune to labels.

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