CliqueClack TV

Survivor – And the meek shall … whine and cry

Sierra of "Survivor: Tocantins"Oh Sierra! How consistent you have been since the beginning, bitching and crying when you were picked last in the schoolhouse pick’em that opened the season. And now when the tide has turned and your closest ally is too stupid to play his damn immunity idol, leaving you in the lurch and scrambling to save your life what’s your strategy?

Try to get in good with the people who are gunning for you? Nah, better to lash out at them and insult them. Sierra plays like a little kid who’s had her binky taken from her. Don’t get me wrong, there’s no hard and fast rule on what strategy you should use to try and win at Survivor. But I’m thinking the “Toddler Technique” isn’t the best choice.

You can’t even give her credit for orchestrating the demise of one of the biggest competitors in the game, and putting Coach on the ropes, which is hard to do because he can bench 300 pounds and has wrestled a gorilla to the ground for a banana.

In fact, how crazy is it that when the gang came up with the plot to depose Tyson they didn’t even want to bring her in on it. Of course she would have voted with them but they have so little regard for her that they didn’t even care.

I’ll be honest, I totally didn’t expect that J.T. would go back on his word and handshake to Coach. I come from the area of the world that J.T. is from and a man’s word is his bond and his handshake is a contract. But this is a million bucks so I guess that much money can take you far.

Plus it’s hard to mean a pact that you make with a raving lunatic (or the most badass person on the planet who’ll tell you all about it if you let him; you choose). I’m loving what this shake-up will mean for the game though. Coach has been so cocky thus far but now he and Debbie are staring down a double barrel.

And it looks like Sierra may be the one they have to convince now to save their asses. So the weakest player gets to have the illusion of being the strongest player? Yeah like that’s gonna work. The most hilarious thing that could happen now would be for Sierra of all people to go on an immunity challenge run. I don’t know how she could do it unless the rest of them slipped into comas but anything is possible.

Right now I think I’m rooting for J.T. to run away with the whole thing. Stephen’s a bit of a doofus, I think Debbie and Coach have a long road ahead of them, Sierra’s rather useless and I don’t think they’ve forgotten that Taj is married to a retired NFL player so they’re going to be hard-pressed to give her the money.

Photo Credit: CBS

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Survivor | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Survivor – And the meek shall … whine and cry”

April 24, 2009 at 8:00 AM

Sierra was right on one count. Tyson is not nearly as funny or cool as he thinks he is.

The best part of the episode was Jeff calling out Coach for claiming to want to go to the end like a warrior…with all the other warriors…and having just voted out his top competition. Coach’s spluttering bullshite explanation was grand.

April 24, 2009 at 12:19 PM

Well, you may have a blog spot, but you are too stupid and did not even watch the show. This show started with them not speaking to each other on a bus ride. Sierra was running a 102 fever (hmmm, how long would it take you to get over something like that). Whinning? She has worked hard, played hard, been totally loyal to the one person who didn’t try to vote her off right away. Maybe you should get your head out of Tyson’s behind and actually watch the show. The double dealing is going on by everyone BUT her.

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