CliqueClack TV

Survivor Strategy 101: Whine, cry and lie … it actually works!

Debra BeebeeThis is getting to be about the most annoying group of players I’ve seen in a long time. I have a new player that I think may just run away with the whole thing, and it’s more because of the crazy strategies the others are employing than any skill or merit this person has.

As expected, Coach and Debbie were on the ropes this week when Tyson was blind-sided last week and eliminated. Which would mean that it might be beneficial to try and approach Sierra, mend some fences and maybe try and take down the power players. But really, who are they right now? It’s not as clear which alliances are solid as it usually is by this point.

Still, when Coach and Debbie had a chance to try and smooth things over with Sierra, they broached the subject and when she balked they immediately went into temper tantrum, crybaby mode. They brought it up and the next thing you know they were lashing out at her!

I understand that they thought they had J.T. and Stephen in the bag; hell maybe they do I have no idea who’s being honest ever, but it was still pretty annoying. I was really hoping one or the other of the would have gone home by now. And then, when Sierra called them out on their lies about the conversation (they say she brought it up), Debbie employed the oldest female strategy in the book: tears.

At this point, I think Debbie might just outwit all of them and make it to the finals. No one seems to take her seriously enough as a threat. Eliminating Sierra at this stage of the game because she’s annoying?! If Sierra were to go to the Final Three, that’s one person guaranteed not to take votes away from you.

Screw Coach saying he wanted to play honorably with warriors because he liked blatantly and scrambled around like a whiney bitch when he got caught so I don’t buy his crap anymore. Sound strategy is sound strategy and the challenge made it pretty clear that no one likes or respects Sierra, and none of them think she deserves to win. Just like that you’re down to competing against one other person.

But no, she bugs J.T. and Stephen so they’ll just get rid of her. Brilliant boys. I can’t wait to see how Debbie turns things around and gets rid of the both of them. I’m not saying she’s a shoe-in to win, but of the six remaining I think she has a solid shot at one of those chairs in the finals.

Photo Credit: CBS

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Survivor | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Survivor Strategy 101: Whine, cry and lie … it actually works!”

May 1, 2009 at 5:12 PM

What the hell is this? This must be the most idiotic Season of Survivor ever (except maybe Season 1 where Richard Hatch had them all in the bag but that was at least fun to watch).

I mean Taj voting for Debbie? What the hell? She’s not voting with her Alliance? WTF? And that vote for Stephen? Is that “strategy”? I mean this all just comes in in case of a tie but when will there be any tiebreaking moments? Coach now has 2 votes against him in previous tribals, Debbie 2 and Stephen 1. Why the hell did Erinn vote for Stephen? Just to vote for “somebody”? I don’t get it. This is like watching hens with their heads chopped off run around the backyard. It’s absolutely dumb – maybe somebody could explain this to me but I simply don’t get it.

What irks me the most is that Taj is not playing the game at all but still advancing. She’s coasting along and how fun would it be if she’d make it to the final four and win this thing… because she reeeeeeeally needs the money. Yeah right. That couch in the video wouldn’t fit in my apartment. Not enough room. Yikes.

May 1, 2009 at 5:42 PM

Why does it matter if Taj needs the money or not?

She has played the game and is still surviving.

May 1, 2009 at 8:27 PM

Plus she still has the immunity idol, doesn’t she?

May 4, 2009 at 5:17 PM

I just want to see Taj win so I can see the other’s faces when they find out that not only is her husband famous, but so is she! hahahahahaha!

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