CliqueClack TV

American Idol – Where’re those votes goin’ … ???

danny-gokey-american-idolReally … ?!? Danny Gokey was the one to go … ?!?

The fact of the matter is: Yes. He got the boot. He was nixed. Cut off. Eighty-sixed. Heave-ho’d. Given the “See You On The Idol Tour!” send off. Clearly, his ouster from American Idol was a surprise. The consensus and overall buzz had Kris Allen hitting the road. (I did mention there might be surprises in my previous posting and, indeed, Danny’s exit was certainly a surprise.)

And now Kris and Adam Lambert are nestled in the top spots, awaiting next week’s showdown. And it will be interesting … it won’t be the “assumed” blowout everyone believes it to be. Do you really think Adam will be the ultimate winner of this contest? I’m not so certain.

You see … there are a few little tics out there that might just throw a wrench into the machine. Like the fact Adam and Kris participated in a coin toss to see what position they would jockey for. Kris was the winner of the toss and chose the second spot in the order, Adam going first. You don’t think that will come into play? Well … how ’bout all those votes that were once the property of The Gokester? Where do you think those are going to end up? They’re not just drifting off in a cloud of smoke, y’know. You can best believe a good number of them are heading Kris Allen’s way. You don’t really believe they’re being put in the coiffures of the “Screaming Mimi,” do you?

And there are more tics to come.  Believe you me….

Both contestants will bring their “A” games next week. The fans of each will have their fingers taped for texting and dialing come voting time. All of you stay tuned for more surprises. It’s gonna be good….

Photo Credit: Fox

6 Responses to “American Idol – Where’re those votes goin’ … ???”

May 15, 2009 at 9:40 PM

I really want Kris to win, but I just feel like there’s nothing that can get in Adam’s way. I was also surprised to see the Gokester to go home; most of everyone on Idol will make a record anyways; which in my opinion is really good since the best have been voted off except Kris.

May 16, 2009 at 8:18 AM

I think Kris may well win and that in many ways that will be the best result for both Kris and Adam. AI has a history of pushing the winner to go the way AI wants to market them, not of necessarily playing to their strengths. I think Kris can more easily fit into AI’s ideal of the kind of artist they want to introduce. The number two spot, although it gets less promotion, seems to have more freedom in the type of album that gets made. The thing is Adam has created his own promotion ans does not necessarily need the extra push from 19E and he needs to make an album that reflects his own style. Kris does not have as established a presence as a force in entertainment and needs the added exposure. I see Kris winning as a win/win situation for both contestants.

May 16, 2009 at 4:50 PM

I completely agree Linda, it would be best for both if Kris wins.



May 17, 2009 at 5:14 AM

“Screaming Mimi”…good one. Funny thing is that I had Kris for not even making it past the top 10. I just didn’t see the pizzaz and confidence in the beginning yet everyweek he’d show more and give more of himself as an artist. I’d be thrilled to see him win (dito Linda). Adam has his own thaang going on. And on he should go.

May 17, 2009 at 8:29 PM

Fewer than 1 million votes separated Adam and Kris last week. Assuming Kris was in second place, if he gets 55 percent of Gokey’s votes, he wins.

I think it’s a no-brainer. Adam is more talented, but I think he puts off too large a segment of the audience to win.

May 20, 2009 at 3:52 PM

These people are all too brainy for me……… :o(

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