CliqueClack TV

Survivor: Samoa is ghetto-fabulous!

Yasmin GilesBecause Russell has been getting so much attention, and it’s well-deserved, we haven’t really spent much time with too many of the other contestants.

This week, we got a chance to spend a little more time with Yasmin. In fact, Foa Foa got to spend a little more time with Yasmin. And she proved herself to be quite a … personality. When the episode opened and she was talking about how out of sorts she was in the jungle, it reminded me of Cirie. I loved Cirie. Okay.

But then she got to Foa Foa and decided she was going to “help” them. What what?!

I don’t know if she has no social skills at all or if her intention was to insult and piss off every member of the Foa Foa tribe. They’d just lost three challenges in a row to her tribe, Galu. They’d also just lost one of their tribe members, Mike, to injury and were facing losing another at Tribal Council. And here she is telling them that she wants to help them strategize and be better. After all, it’s no fun beating them so soundly. It’s “like taking candy from a baby.”

This was her tactic for helping them out? She was serious about that? Then she tore into Ben for tackling her at the challenge. How dare he! She’s a girl! Granted, Ben ultimately got thrown out of the challenge for a rough trip, so he may have been overly aggressive, but she made it out like he was supposed to just let her do whatever she wanted.

This is always an issue when the men and women compete physically with one another in challenges, but my thinking is that shit happens. If he tackled her, so be it. It’s a tough game for a million dollars. How can she possibly expect preferential treatment because she’s a girl?

Ben got his digs in to her face and in front of Jeff at tribal council, but Russell proved that he’s still in control of Foa Foa and orchestrated Betsy’s removal. She was an easy target, because the young almost always want to pick off their elders, but she was also the most suspicious of Russell.

Photo Credit: CBS

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Survivor | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Survivor: Samoa is ghetto-fabulous!”

September 27, 2009 at 6:18 AM

did she ever share the immunity idol secret? not that it matters since Russell already found it … but I cannot remember if she gave the clue to anyone.

I think it was a bit mean for them to lose a player due to medical AND at tribal council … they could have let them use the medical as that night’s vote-off

September 28, 2009 at 3:24 PM

The immunity idol secret may matter greatly. Supposedly the idol hidden at the Foa Foa tribe is for a member of Galu to find and use and vice versa for another idol. So it’s sounding like the idol Russell found is meaningless as far as he’s concerned…he needs to find the idol at the other camp for it to be effective for him.

Should be interesting to see if these rumors turn out to be true.

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