CliqueClack TV

House is so much better, but still so delightfully bad

House foreman chase

“He’s just agreeing with you because he wants to have sex with you. By the way, I agree with you too — especially in those pants.” – House to Cameron

I love House‘s writers. There aren’t many writing teams out there who could actually have House getting better, showing real progress, while still being such a certifiable ass. Thank goodness they are good at their jobs, these writers, because I for one wouldn’t have House any other way.

He’s an ass to everyone, as always — his staff, Cuddy, Wilson, the patient and his people … so much fun to watch … and quote:

  • “Can I tell you something? I wasn’t picking lint out of my belly button.” – House to Wilson
  • “You want to take this case because he’s another sad puppy. You should have been a vet.” – House to Cameron
  • “You do make me feel funny.” – House to Cuddy

And hey, Jen — you were wrong. Chase really did kill Darth Vader (not Cameron), so now the question becomes what will drive Cameron to leave Chase, since we know Jennifer Morrison is being written out of the show. Will it be simply because he lied to her, or because she is so morally offended by what he did?

I loved the story line with House and Wilson. I wanted to weep for Wilson, who still misses Amber so much that he talks to her every night, so much so that he made House think he was hearing voices. The way House and Wilson play with each other is one of my favorite parts of the show. House acts like an ass trying to get Wilson to admit he talks to Amber, and Wilson would have just let him go back to the psych ward. Priceless. Then, after all that, I feel for House, too, who tries talking to his dad, so telling of how much better House is getting.

This and that:

  • Did anyone else find it strange that they exhumed the patient’s relative’s bodies so quickly, and with no real evidence beyond coincidence that something genetic was going on?
  • Would they really put House on 120 hours of rounds and assume he’d get anything out of it? Besides us being entertained, that is….
  • Do you think the priest would really have talked to Chase that way? He was being awfully judgy….
  • And a little sexual tension never hurt anything: “That’s not hate, it’s foreplay.” – intern to intern, about Cuddy and House

Photo Credit: Mike Yarish / FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | House | TV Shows |

One Response to “House is so much better, but still so delightfully bad”

October 20, 2009 at 1:25 PM

I loved the end of the episode. That touching moment when House talks to his dad… and then: “Wilson, this is STUPID!”

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