CliqueClack TV

How I Met Your Mother’s friends get back together

- Season 5, Episode 7 - "The Rough Patch"


“It was called the Death Star, baby — they knew what they were getting into.” – Marshall to Lily when she realizes that Stormtroopers are people, not robots

It’s funny that this episode about how Robin and Barney just aren’t working as a couple comes on the heels of one of the few episodes that I thought did work with Barney and Robin as a couple. I wonder if the writers read my reviews from this season and changed their minds about the match-up, or if this was the plan all along.

There have been inklings along the way about not knowing who Barney is anymore, seeing Barney and Robin fight, Barney and Robin not understanding the relationship stuff that keeps Lily and Marshall together. And tonight, when Ted says, “It’s the end of Barney Stinson as we know him,” it was definitely bringing those past pieces back around and defining that there is a problem with Barney being in a relationship.

Either way, we got some ridiculous funny out of it. This was probably the most absurd episode since “The Goat,” with random things just coming together for the good of the funny. One of my favorite things about HIMYM is when they bring back great moments from old episodes and further them, and they did tons of that tonight.

I think we knew in the past that Lily was a porn-a-holic, didn’t we? It was so fun watching her perk up when the talk was or porn, and stealing Squat was priceless. Bringing back Lily the relationship Kracken was inspired as well, because we know how good she is at it.

Alan Thicke’s guest spot was perfect — it shouted out to Robin’s horrific music video, “Sandcastles,” but even better, introduced the fact that she and Thicke had a failed Canadian TV variety show. If it’s anywhere near Robin Sparkles meets Sherbotsky’s new morning show, I gotta see me some of that. Barney will take care of that for us.

And seeing Barney’s freakish like-sized Stormtrooper statue is always a good thing.

Other stuff:

  • Dude, the fat suit. Awesome.
  • Archisexture.
  • When Barney dies, he wants Ted to take his body to the Hamptons and recreate Weekend at Bernie’s.
  • “I think Barney ate the relationship chicken.” — Marshall
  • Relationship gut.
  • Neil Young does sound a bit like an old lady … not that it takes away from his greatness in any way.
  • Storm Pooper.
  • “Daddy’s home.” — Barney. Thank goodness!
Photo Credit: CBS

4 Responses to “How I Met Your Mother’s friends get back together”

November 9, 2009 at 10:51 PM

You said Storm Pooper.

November 9, 2009 at 11:20 PM

I haven’t seen the episode, but I thought the life-sized armor in Barney’s apartment was a Clone Trooper, not a Stormtrooper (one word). Has that changed?

November 10, 2009 at 9:00 AM

It was definitely a Stormtrooper last night, hence the Storm Pooper joke, but I don’t remember what it used to be.

November 10, 2009 at 5:13 PM

God I loved this episode. And thank God there’s no more Barney and Robin. I hated them together. They are great apart, and I could see them as sex buddies even, but as a romantic couple, they were disgusting. And the last scene where Barney was back to himself – legen… wait for it… dary.

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