CliqueClack TV

Make It or Break It – Who knew returning to a gym could be so emotional?

- Season 1, Episode 11 - "The Eleventh Hour"

I can’t figure out whether or not there must have been some scrambling going on behind the scenes of Make It or Break It before tonight’s episode. The writers concluded their initial run at a logical stopping point for the series or the season (mid-season), but did they leave it somewhere that would say that Payson walking already made sense? I’m not judging, just trying to jog my own memory.

Either way, the girls of the Rock are back, Emily and Lauren taking their places on the US National team behind new National Champion Kaylie. And Payson’s at home with a broken back. Can anyone else smell the drama?

You can probably taste the drama too, after watching tonight’s premiere. I won’t repeat what I said in my preview, but the early episodes in the second half of season one are overloaded with the stuff. And although it’s too soon to declare anything, I will say that the writers need to keep in mind what it is that we tune in to see.

The most interesting story that the coming weeks hold belongs to Payson. Clearly ravaged by the realities of her physical limitations, Payson seems torn between wanting to run and wanting to fight for a tomorrow that likely will never come. For an actress that I felt didn’t offer much last half-season, Ayla Kell seems poised to assert her dominion over the show.

Emily being positioned as the one with the love-life drama is a huge step down for the character, who seemed at the center of the show when it premiered. And the resuscitation of the stupid Razor/Not Razor (Damon) battle for Emily’s heart doesn’t promise to do her any favors. There’s more of the old Emily to come, but it’s a whole lot of her being dumped on … not really something to root for.

Lauren’s involvement in the Payson/Nicky Russo (Cody Longo) cortisone thing seems like a whole lot of grasping at straws for a bad girl role to cast her in. Lauren’s got enough to do, what with getting between Carter and Kaylie, belittling Emily, and alternating between pitying and laughing at Payson. Plus with Summer filling in at the Rock, I’m sure the secret she shared with Lauren about her very un-virginal youth will become a weapon for Lauren when she needs it. Suffice it to say that Lauren seems pretty booked to me.

And then there’s Kaylie. I’m curious to see who exactly she’ll become when forced to lead instead of follow. Already she seems a bit lost, though that could be written off as her guilt over Payson’s injury. But even so she’s never appeared prepared to take on the mantle of “champion,” never seemed as hungry as others in her position might normally be. I hope that her path will lead her to question whether she’s competing for herself or for her father, because that’s obviously a factor for her. Ignoring it would be as egregious a sin as the writers turning a fiery Emily into a love-sick puppy.

Anyway, that’s where things stand after tonight. Lots yet to do … and a lot of drama still to unfold. Can you taste what the Rock is cooking?

Photo Credit: ABC Family

6 Responses to “Make It or Break It – Who knew returning to a gym could be so emotional?”

January 5, 2010 at 10:37 AM

Agreed on Payson on all counts. I especially appreciated in her confrontation with Kaylie that she neither displayed saintly acceptance and support, nor hidden hatred and jealousy, but was plainly honest about her emotions right to her friend’s face. It was a welcome relief from the rest of the teenage drama and quite fitting for such a direct character. If she does come to dominate the show’s narrative, I for one would welcome it.

I believe all we were told in the season finale was that Payson would never compete again, and that she was lucky she would still be able to walk. It was never specifically stated how long she would be bedridden.

I was tearing up at Mark’s quiet talk with Payson, and then the scene shifts directly to Emily’s romantic rendezvous with Damon. Talk about a mood-killer. And then Razor appeared. All I remember about him from the pilot was a nice, slightly shy boy, not this sardonic ass. I suppose that since the audience is supposed to be invested in Damon, Razor has to be written as the villain now.

As for Emily herself, “fiery?” The most I would have described her as, even when begging in the rain for Sasha’s love, was petulant.

Is Lauren “laughing at Payson” something from a future episode? I didn’t see that at all in tonight’s show. Although much of it was sniping at Kaylie’s guilt and avoidance, there were bits of some honest concern for her old friend peeking through. It’s especially believable now that Payson is no longer a threat to her.

I’m definitely up for another season of this. As before, I just hope that there’s some actual gymnastics, technique, and hard work squeezed in between all the drama.

January 5, 2010 at 1:37 PM

Thanks re Payson. I couldn’t remember if we’d been left with the impression that it would take a lot of therapy before she walked again.

Yeah, my wife and I didn’t quite remember Razor like that either, but I think he needed to get settled in again. Plus it looked like he was trying to decide if he was or wasn’t drunk/high.

I was looking for a word to describe Emily’s competitiveness, then juxtaposed against her current lovey dovey-ness. You’re welcome to your own adjective. :)

I know it was Payson’s dream, but I saw truth in what she imagined Lauren was saying about her in the opening of last night’s episode. Again, maybe “laughing at” is the wrong word, but I feel as if it’s definitely along the lines of belittling/minimizing.

January 6, 2010 at 9:10 AM

I didn’t take any of that seriously because we knew it was a dream as soon as Payson walked into The Rock, but have no problem with her imagining Lauren acting that way. It’s just that we haven’t seen the latter truly be horrible in that particular way in just the first episode. Obviously, that could change quickly.

January 6, 2010 at 12:52 PM

True enough. I can wait patiently for the inevitable, though. :)

January 6, 2010 at 12:09 PM

As I was watching the show, I found myself getting annoyed with every non-Payson teen character, and wondered what it was that made me love the show’s first half of the season. Then I remembered thinking that same thing towards the end of last season. And yet, I still like the show, in spite of Lauren, Emily, Kaylee, not-Razor, and now the new incarnation of Razor. I loved Payson’s talks with both or her parents, and felt they were done well, without being too cheesy. I sobbed when Payson reentered the gym and Sasha greeted her. So here’s too a new “season” of more good episodes, and less teen drama (and less Lauren…)

January 6, 2010 at 12:54 PM

Me too (the teen drama), but I think the show will branch out into a lot of Payson and Kaylie focus – the latter could go either way, but if it breaks right I think we might all really enjoy the growth in Kaylie’s character. And Payson’s arc is going to be awesome, and probably worth it for that alone.

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