CliqueClack TV

American Idol – At least someone has cojones


The last two episodes of American Idol have been dreadfully boring.

There’s no zip … no action … little to write home about.

Oh, they tried to make things interesting. They tried to brew up a bit of a storm between Katy Perry and Kara DioGuardi in Hollywood. (Seriously: Listening to Kara anymore is a reason to go straight for the brain bleach.) They made a stir (or attempted to) between Simon Cowell and Neil Patrick Harris. “The Powers That Be” at Idol desperately wanted some of those feel good stories to be oh, so feel good. But it just didn’t work.

Nothing short of something totally unbelievable (the unexpected reintroduction of Paula Abdul?) could have done anything to give the Los Angeles and Dallas auditions a much-needed kick start.

Not Katy Perry. Not Avril Lavigne. Not Neil Patrick Harris. Not even one of the Jonas Brothers. Nothing is helping at this point. (I’m thinking a wet rag would’ve had more personality than Joe Jonas up there on the judge’s panel.)

Yes, there was Mary Powers of Burbank, CA powering through some Pat Benatar mightily. But there’s something I’ve always said about chicks with tattoos: They don’t win American Idol. It hasn’t happened yet … it’s not going to happen now. (Though the corollary, a male contestant with tats — in this case the tattooed Andrew Garcia, he of the spiffy voice — I’m not so certain of. He could be a contender.)

But there was at least one thing that made this round of the auditions worthwhile: One Dave Pittman of Mountain Home, Arkansas (below).

I love this guy. Maybe I’m partial to tear-jerker Tourette syndrome contestants, I don’t know. But this dude … this dude has some cojones. Not only did he wail some Sam Cooke (what’s not to like about that?), even NPH dug him: “I think you’re crazy brave. And, uh, good for you. Really good voice.”

If not for Dave Pittman — and a handful of others — these last two episodes would have made plain mashed potatoes and a glass of water look attractive.

I can hardly believe I’m saying this … but bring on Ellen DeGeneres.

Photo Credit: Fox

8 Responses to “American Idol – At least someone has cojones”

January 29, 2010 at 6:49 PM

Completely agree!!! :)

January 29, 2010 at 6:54 PM

Michael…it’s creepy. It’s like you’re inside my head…so get OUT will ya?
I completely agree. And I’m ready for Ellen too. When I first heard she was taking Paula’s place, I thought…”Meh.” But now, I’m not so sure. It may be NEEDED relief from this drudgery. And I can’t leave without making another snide remark about Kara. (Well, I could, but I won’t.) Every time the camera cuts to her while someone is singing that can actually sing…she purses her lips, shakes her head slowly from side to side, and has a funny look on her face. Like she’s trying to look extremely benevolent of something. As I said to someone the other day—she’s like sandpaper on a sensitive body part.

January 29, 2010 at 7:03 PM

I’m so relieved that it’s not just me yawning through the auditions this year. I thought Avril was boring. And the Jonas boy had no personality. I hoped NPH would be snarkier.

But, I’ll still watch.

January 29, 2010 at 8:08 PM

Did the season start? Oh yeah, it did…snore!

January 30, 2010 at 12:17 AM

Idol is so boring thus far that I can’t even snark about the snark.

January 30, 2010 at 1:56 AM

Yay! The Uncle! Heck I’ve enjoyed it so far. I just like all the hub-bub and the drama and the stories. It’ll be a sorry day when they do away with that part.

Agree with Tara and most everyone else. Kara is a thigh rash. The guest judges have stunk. *devil horns, anyone?….. WTH was that?* Love watching the kids reach for the stars. and I LOVE that so many BIG GUYS are making it thru…… I LOVE ME A BIG GUY! OLD LADY CANDY! I liked this guy too…. good kid. I hope he goes far. He’s got class.

January 31, 2010 at 11:19 PM

Agreed… that young man with Tourettes has ‘em. And he di a great job. I don’t think it was a pitty ride to Hollywood. Wasn’t there a country star that stuttered terribly but could sing without a glitch? Let’s not forget Joe Cocker.

I may be the stand out for being stand-off-ish about Ellen’s role in all of this. Great lady, super show, has no business judging a singing contest. I’m actually pretty pissed off at the choice. However, my life will go on.

February 1, 2010 at 10:40 AM

I agree 100%. The show has been a snooze fest thus far. I hoping it’ll get better after Hollywood week.

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