CliqueClack TV

The Vampire Diaries gives us a blast from the past

- Season 1, Episode 13 - "Children of the Damned"

“You know, I really like this whole manage-a-threesome team thing .. it’s got a bit of a kink to it. Don’t screw it up.” – Damon to Stefan and Elena

Or if you like:

“If I see something I haven’t seen before, I’ll throw a dollar at it.” – Damon, to Stefan and Elena when we walks in on them in bed together

We get awesome reveals in every episode of The Vampire Diaries, but I really liked the way the flashback scenes filled in a lot of the blanks for us tonight. Now we know:

  • Anna and her group turned Logan.
  • How Anna fits into the whole scheme of things.
  • Where Emily’s spell book was hidden, and it was a fun journey getting there. Between the flashbacks and Stefan’s quick thinking, it was really a very clever reveal.

However, I ended up having more questions (and predictions) that I got answers. But it’s fun, and not at all like watching Lost. Oh, did I really go there again?

Questions I still have:

  • How is it that Alaric’s wife and Elena can be descendants of Katherine? I thought vampires couldn’t have children, and she didn’t seem to have one before she turned … that we know of, I guess.
  • How could Steffan let his dick lead him around so thoroughly? Dude, when you are screwing around with the same girl as your brother and you’re as pure of heart as you are, you’ve got to consider mind control.
  • How could Damon have fallen for Elena’s professions of trust? She is the worst liar ever.
  • How is Bonnie going to get out of this one? Ben probably just wants to play and I have a feeling we’ll be seeing some new powers of Bonnie’s.
  • Did we know that Emily did a spell to keep Katherine, Pearl and whoever else walking in daylight? Before they revealed that, I was looking for a ring on Katherine and wondering how she was doing it.
  • We saw Katherine with the crystal necklace, a gift from Emily. I’m a little confused about why she’d need this and what she’d do with it. We know the necklace burned Damon’s hand when Bonnie had it, so is this part of Emily’s plan to screw over Katherine?

Bets I’m making:

  • I’m betting that Pearl’s in the tomb and that’s why Anna has such a stake in opening it.
  • I’m betting we haven’t seen the last of the flashbacks, because now I’ve just got to see how Katherine turned Damon and Steffan.
  • Isabelle, Alaric’s wife, is going to be in the tomb, full-on vamp.
  • Stefan and Alaric will end up heading up a Scooby Gang of sorts, complete with an ass-kicking Elena and Bonnie the witch. So here we have Giles, Angel, Buffy and Willow. Well, what do you know….
  • Elena won’t be turned into a vampire … yet. If the brothers can just keep Anna from killing her until Damon’s blood wears out of her system….
  • Katherine killed Stefan’s and Damon’s dad.

I’m still having fun on Thursday nights … off to watch Supernatural!

Photo Credit: Quantrell Colbert/The CW

5 Responses to “The Vampire Diaries gives us a blast from the past”

February 4, 2010 at 10:36 PM

Good post! And what a great episode- this show just keeps bringing the awesome.

A couple of things:

• When Stefan was telling Elena about her adoption, I thought he mentioned that Katherine was her great, great, great (however many greats) aunt. I never got the idea that Elena was a direct descendant of Katherine, anyway.

• How would Damon have put Alaric’s wife in the tomb? If he could put Isabel in, why wouldn’t he have been able to get Katherine out? Isabel was taken by Damon over a century after the tomb was sealed. I do think Emily and Pearl will pop up, though.

I’m dying to find out the deal with Alaric’s ring. Perhaps it’s a “family heirloom”- from Katherine via Isabel? And how delicious is Damon? Loved the bonding time with Jeremy over video games (and Aunt Jenna’s drooling). It could be interesting to see what will happen if Anna and Ben bring Elena and Bonnie together as their captives.

I’m so glad the show isn’t following the books exactly- this is so much better. Can’t wait for next week!

February 5, 2010 at 11:00 AM

OK, I had forgotten that part about the aunt, and also didn’t know exactly how long the tomb had been sealed.

I know, I had wondered about that ring last week, but it is starting to look like Alaric is not a vampire.

February 4, 2010 at 10:40 PM

(Sorry- that was far longer than I intended…)

February 19, 2010 at 10:21 PM

I’m guessing Damon and Stefan got turned because they died with Katherine’s blood in them. In the Founder’s-Party episode Damon mentioned that the Salvatore brothers died when they tried to rescue someone from the church (that was either already burning or to be burned) shot in cold blood by one of the guards, so if they had enough blood in their systems (which they probably did, as Damon was a sympathiser and Stefan was compelled to do whatever K wanted), presto, we have to fresh vampires that hate each other… the real question would be how did they manage to escape after that….

May 21, 2010 at 11:37 AM

Elena is Katherine’s Doubleganger which means she is like katherine except the total opposte. Katherine isn’t related to Elena in any way. An Tyler is a werewolf which you can start to see in the last episode of 1st season. they dont right away tell you he is but you can understand that he is.

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