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House – A day in the life of Cuddy

Cuddy's life may be stressful, but she handles it all with grace and passion -- even when House is completely annoying!

- Season 6, Episode 13 - "5 to 9"

House gave us a brilliant Wilson-centric episode earlier this season in “Wilson.” I’m glad they decided to give Cuddy her own episode, but this was not an easy one to watch. I am so stressed out right now I’m not sure even a full body massage and several hours of Transcendental Meditation can return me to my peaceful state of mind before watching “5 to 9.”

Cuddy does not have an easy life and one thing I got out of this episode was that I would never, under any circumstances, want to be a Dean of anything! Nine times out of ten, when we see Cuddy in an episode of House, she’s sitting peacefully behind her desk, mildly annoyed when House comes in to request something absurd. Wow, does her job entail more than that. Normally, it’s hilarious when House annoys Cuddy, but in tonight’s episode, I wanted to strangle him and tell him to leave her alone every time he popped up asking about malaria. She’s got way bigger fish to fry than House.

Gail from the pharmacy, for instance. I loved the twist with Lucas’ spy pen, and the reinforcement that nobody pulls one over on Cuddy and gets away with it.

Or how about the thumb guy, suing the hospital because they fixed him? I sympathize with his financial struggles, but again, Cuddy stood her ground and got her man in the end.

Cuddy really played hard ball with Atlantic Net, the insurance company who was renegotiating with Princeton-Plainsboro. I thought she was really stupid not to take the 8 percent, but you’ve got to give credit to Cuddy for standing up for what she believes in. It’s more than a job to her and she stood her ground. Lisa Cuddy is respected for a very good reason — she’s the best at what she does because there’s passion behind every decision. That’s something we don’t necessarily see in a normal episode of House, where she seems very cut and dry with her decision-making.

Which brings me back to House. Even though he’s a complete annoyance in her day (turning on the AC in the OR, betting Lucas he could get her to answer an emergency page during sex), something about their friendship is very comforting to her. When he comes to her in the car, he’s truly her rock and gets her back to where she needs to be. There’s always going to be something between these two.

Somehow, everything worked out. What do you know. I’m still stressed, but Cuddy looked more than relaxed as she lay in bed with her baby and Lucas at the end of the episode. I guess that’s why I’m not Lisa Cuddy.

One last thing — “Passionate Kisses” was the perfect song to end the episode. Something about that song just makes me happy when I hear it and that’s the kind of tone they needed to set at the end of Cuddy’s very stressful, but very successful day. And after seeing her perform her daily duties, she really does deserve “all of this and passionate kisses.”

Photo Credit: Mike Yarish/FOX

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