CliqueClack TV

Cougar Town – Gay traps, noodling and blumfies … or is that blumfys?

Last night's 'Cougar Town' was a TV writer's tagging dream come true ... blumfy ... noodling ... gay traps ... I like turtles.... Oh, and it was probably one of the funniest episodes of the series so far.

- Season 1, Episode 17 - "Counting on You"

I’m having deja vu — either that or I’m just realizing how much I missed the ABC Wednesday night comedy block — but I think Cougar Town is getting funnier. Cougar Town really is one of the shows that makes me laugh out loud the most each week, but I’m still laughing, the morning after. I mean, heck, look at Andy in his Blumfy….

My favorite part of the episode had to be the gay traps the characters kept setting for each other. The way it seamlessly ran throughout the whole episode, coming back when you least expected it … awesome. From Travis’s fuscia shirt to charades, to the Indigo Girls lesbian gay trap, they hit it all. Had they included the pet names from Modern Family, we would have gone 360.

I’m loving the dynamics between Jules and Grayson … they both want it, they both know it and they both are putting off the inevitable. Which, in a way, is probably for the best because they are both still needing some time after their failed marriages.

The dynamics between Travis and Jules have always been a favorite of mine, but I’m starting to appreciate the father-son time between Travis and Bobby. Is noodling really a thing? Apparently, as Wikipedia tells me so. C’mon — that’s funny! And when Bobby acting like Elisabeth Hasselbeck is in the same story line, along with that being yet another gay trap? I’m sold.

Other moments of greatness:

  • Andy is so gay for Bobby.
  • Grayson’s tiny eyes … again, throughout the episode. Tom wasn’t even sure he was watching him!
  • Hand fart — again, is that really a thing?
  • Andy on the motorcycle … or off of it, as the case may be.
  • I like turtles,” from none other than zombie Ellie.

What was your favorite part of last night’s Cougar Town?

Photo Credit: ABC

3 Responses to “Cougar Town – Gay traps, noodling and blumfies … or is that blumfys?”

March 11, 2010 at 2:39 PM

“Do you just follow me around waiting to say things?” :-)

March 11, 2010 at 8:02 PM

I love that this show isn’t afraid to incorporate characteristics of its actors i.e. ‘tiny eyes’ and blatantly mock them. Ian Gomez is a great straight-faced actor, which I first saw in his best friend role in My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Although I continue to expect him to break out into Javier, he does a great job of continuing the role of the straight-faced actor, particularly when contrasted with Andy’s infantile modes, in CT –

April 28, 2010 at 11:04 AM

replying to this page is a gay trap…. but not replying to the replyers.

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