CliqueClack TV

Psych’s Yin killer couldn’t be someone we’ve met, could he?

Remember what I was saying last week, about 'Psych' not having a story arc? Well, I think Mr. Yin may have finally come into the picture to keep Shawn on his toes.

- Season 4, Episode 16 - "Mr. Yin Presents..."

“We do nothing.” – Shawn, on what to do next about the Yin killer
“Nothing. How
Seinfeld-ian.” – Lassiter

How quickly I completely forgot that, back in January, Shawn had blatantly mentioned that his girlfriend, Abagail, would be back from her trip on this exact date, March 10. If I had remembered that, I wonder if I would have drawn any conclusions as to what was going to happen in this episode, or at least a crucial portion of it.

Speaking of Abigail, really, how selfish is she? Instead of being worried about Shawn’s life — who is sometimes in the line of fire himself — she’s worried about the next time she might get kidnapped because of his job? Usually when someone doesn’t want a relationship with a person in law enforcement, it’s because they don’t want to have to deal with losing the other person, not because of their own life being at risk. Sheesh.

The Hitchcockian references were really well done. Even the “o” painted on the Psych headquarters sign fit in perfectly. The whole scene with them acting out parts of the movie was a bit hokey and overkill, but isn’t that part for the course with this show? It was never really meant to deal with many compelling and realistic crimes — I mean, it’s a comedy for crying out loud.

Now, let’s get to the mysterious Yin character, who we clearly have not seen the last of. Like I said, it’s pretty coincidental that I just happened to mention the lack of story arcs on this show, and here we’ve got what I believe is our first one. With Yin still on the loose, it’s only a matter of time before he’s back, most likely next season.

The phone call Shawn received from Yin sure sounded an awful lot like Shawn’s father’s voice, though clearly it wasn’t him. And even if it was possible it could be Henry, I simply wouldn’t want to believe it. Yin is most likely someone we haven’t yet met on this show, just like Yang (Ally Sheedy) from last season (and tonight), however I swear the hand in the final scene looked like a black man’s, which make’s sense (with Yin and Yang, black and white). It’s probably a stretch that it could be Gus’s dad, played at one time by actor Keith David, right? I’m not sure I want to see Gus torn up in that way, should it be revealed that his own father is a killer. Like I said, this is a comedy. Have you got any theories or guesses?

Psych‘s off until the Summer. See you back here when it returns!

Photo Credit: USA Network

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Psych | TV Shows |

85 Responses to “Psych’s Yin killer couldn’t be someone we’ve met, could he?”

March 11, 2010 at 1:05 AM

But WHOOOOOOO is in the pic of young shawn and that lady with a csi apron on? The voice-over sounds like Ally Sheedy…but could that possibly a young Ally in the pic? I am with you…it definitely looked like a man’s hand. I also suspected Shawn’s dad, but if they do anything like that it would kill the show. Any ideas on the pic?

March 11, 2010 at 1:11 AM

It can’t be Henry. Was in the car with Lassiter when Juliet got kidnapped.
I got my money on Shawn’s mom. Would be able to fake Henry’s voice, henry mentioned randomly that she was “in new york safe,” and explains the picture of shawn when he was a kid. Also gives a new twist to the season 3 finale that Shawn’s mom was in on it the whole time. Didn’t Mary mention how there was not enough time for Shawn’s mom to be tied up? So she must have done it herself…

March 11, 2010 at 7:47 AM

I’m with you. My money is on Shawn’s mother. Mr. Yin is definitely something very close to Shawn.

March 11, 2010 at 10:58 AM

That’s a neat theory, but I still say that hand at the end was clearly a man’s. I wouldn’t be satisfied with Shawn’s mom being the killer without that being explained somehow.

Still, it does beg the question of what was up with that photo of Shawn with Yang at the end of the episode.

March 12, 2010 at 2:48 PM

Ying is Shawn’s mom.

Everyone knows that shrinks, themselves are crazy.

Further, as a shrink, she would be the logical counterbalance to the criminally insane Yang.

Henry talks to her on the phone and she is conveniently in NY at a conference…as far away from the goings on as can be (in the US)…but with a cell phone, who can say?

Mention is made early on that it made sense that Yang had a partner, since timelines were too tight to allow for mom’s abduction, etc…but when you abduct yourself…

The attention paid to Shawn’s relationships with “helping’ to resolve his indecision is another clue.

The photo of young Shawn and young Yang being affectionately and nostalgically caressed is another. Clearly this picture is from the ’88 approximate timeframe we so often see at the beginning of shows – the same time mom left.

The exchange of looks (even though the figure is masked and in all black) at the pier conveyed hesitation consistent with a mothers parting glance.

Also, never does Ying undertake any action which would demand “manly” physicality…female victims, surprising an effeminate man and stabbing him, and knocking out by injection and spray, all scream of countering weakness.

Ying is Shawn’s mom.

March 12, 2010 at 9:42 PM

I agree it’s definitely shawns mom
-Mr yang is also a female
-Mr yin has an ankle weight on and knows that Shawn would see it which is something that only someone very close to shawn would know about
-shawns mom isn’t in many psych episodes and yet she is randomly in both the yin and yang episodes
-mr yin strokes the picture at the end where Shawn is, showing affection
-the room that mr yin is in at the end is clearly a womans room (teacups and curtains)
-mr yang is with Shawn in a picture when he’s little so mr yang must be close with someone close to Shawn
-shawns mom was in a conference in NY. Perfect excuse
-mr yin includes shawns dad in the remake of the hitchcok film
-mr yin knows about Abigail and Juliet and so does shawns mom (shawns mom probably knows about Jules through my next point)
-mr yin knows a lot about the police officers. Shawns mom also knows a lot about them because of when she was a temporary psychologist for the department
-shawns mom is the yin to mr yang’s yang. They are opposites. One is a psychologist and one is a person in need of a psychologist.
-according to Mary, there wasn’t enough time for yang to strap shawns mom with explosives in last seasons finale. And Shawns mom said that yang chloroformed her but it wouldn’t be possible for yang to do that so shawns mom was lying (this point could be disproved because maybe shawns mom just thought it was yang but it seems to make a lot of sense)

March 11, 2010 at 3:06 AM

The person in the picture wasn’t his mom, at least I’m pretty sure it wasn’t. It looked a lot like Yang standing there with him, which would be crazy if Sean and her had met before in the past. Then again, he probably would remember her. The only thing that led me to think of Sean’s dad was the voice, but yeah, he was in the car, he was with Sean both times that Yin called the cell phone, and we see him a split second before Yin crawls out from under the pier with the mask on and a different outfit. Still, even though it really can’t be him, I can’t help dreading that I’m wrong just because I SO don’t want it to be him. The voice at the end was Ally Sheedy like Todd said; I just watched the Season 3 finale before this one and she says that little voiceover line right before she gets taken away in the police cruiser at the drive-in movie. I’m going to stand by what I said about her knowing Sean somehow, though it is kind of a stretch. Can’t wait to find out what the hell is going on!

March 11, 2010 at 11:49 AM

“however I swear the hand in the final scene looked like a black man’s”

Can’t say that I agree with this at all. I’ve watched the episode a few times and I keep looking at the hand and I don’t think Yin is black. I think it looks like a darker hand, like tanned darker and def a man’s hand (Shawn’s mom couldn’t be Yin! Please no!). Other than that, I thought last night’s episode was great. An awesome follow up to An Evening with Mr. Yang (possibly one of my fav episodes of last season). A few things though that caught my attention. 1)Yin must have told Juliet that he took Abigail seeing as how she was taken first. Although the Abigail/Shawn thing is over, I think it will take a while for anything to happen b/t Juliet and Shawn. Even though he has basically told her that he loves her, he went after Abigail. Granted Juliet told him too but I think she’s going to be a little sad/resentful next season that he didn’t come for her. 2) Did anyone else think that Yang gave up that fact that she had a partner just a little TOO EASILY???? I mean she exchanges that look with Mary and when she knows she’s got them on the hook, she stops them from leaving by telling them what they want to hear??? Weird and planned! 3) Re the picture at the end. Really?? I mean he’s not a machine but how would Shawn not have remembered Yang and the fact that they took a picture together? That is really perplexing and questionable! I guess we will see what happens- hopefully next season!

March 11, 2010 at 11:59 AM

I’ll watch the episode again soon, but maybe I just have a crappy HD LCD TV and it wasn’t a black hand. Like I said, it would take the Yin/Yang, Black/White thing to the next level.

As for the picture at the end, you’re right — how could Shawn not remember? I mean, that’s his skill: being observant and remembering details!

March 11, 2010 at 12:18 PM

Wow, thanks for the reply. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten one from the person who actually wrote the recap! And I wasn’t trying to pick at what you wrote b/c it was a great recap! And we won’t really know who Yin is until we know, right?

March 11, 2010 at 12:22 PM

Oh, I know you weren’t picking on it.

Really, though, I like ‘Psych’ better when it’s more funny than serious. It was barely quotable last night and, as you saw, it was hard to take a lot of it seriously when there were holes in the story. Maybe they’ll clear them up later, but I sort of doubt it. It’s just meant to be a fun show.

March 12, 2010 at 9:31 PM

Roday said that they just chose a random actor to play yin in this episode because they didn’t have time to get the actual yin in time for the episode. Oh and the hand is white. I paused the show and it was definitely white

March 11, 2010 at 4:08 PM

concerning the picture I don’t think they did i’m pretty sure its photo shopped because think about it.. how would yang know shawn was going to beat her?if shawns that young in the picture and yang knew he was ganna be a great detective then isn’t his whole life planned then. personally i am pissed at steve franks for not closing the serial bag and leaving us on a cliff hanger just like the episode with shawns mom.I had two hunches 1.mary (HE SHOULD NOT HAVE DIED!!!)2. mcnab because in the film you see he’s right outside the office staring at them listening.james roday i salute your acting in this episode. maggie lawson awesome fake tears. oh and question for you all! do lassiter and juliet diserve that hug? in the commentary they were saying the channelo was mad at them for having them high five

March 12, 2010 at 1:28 AM

If you look at picture 21 here, you’re completely right. It is clearly a white man’s hand.

March 11, 2010 at 12:54 PM

My first and only thought upon hearing the voice was that it was Kurt Fuller, who plays the coroner/medical examiner.

March 11, 2010 at 1:40 PM

well, i did what everyone would do and look for clues. when i searched and didnt find any i simply looked at the credits to see if he was credited( last thing to do)

and apperantly he is..

yin – christopher turner

right below him is

waitress – beverley turner

might be a connection..might not be.

having an unknown actor play him means they havent chosen who he is yet.

March 11, 2010 at 1:54 PM

i dont think it was a black man either, the hand was dark but more tan i think. Its definitely a mans hand though. shawn could certainly have met yang before. could have been it was a place he went & she was a guide. it could be many things. have we seen eps of him remembering someone from his childhood in that way that wasnt his age? she is certainly older if that was her in the pic. ppl look diff w/age. plus she may not been so crazy back then, lol. i dont remember. i like the serious episodes but the funny ones are great too.

March 11, 2010 at 2:55 PM

I don’t know if its just me or did it seem Mr Yin’s clues were a lot easier than Mr Yang’s, however he seems to be the more dangerous one of the two. I think we are going to see him in a few more episodes which I think is good as shawn finally has someone who can challenge him.

March 11, 2010 at 4:29 PM

Part of the ‘yin’ characteristic is chaos, as opposed to ‘yang’ which is deemed orderly. So that is one of the reasons his actions are more reckless/dangerous. The body structure of Yin actually looks like Shawn a little, but that is clearly impossible. It would be really hard to believe it was Shawn’s mom. Is she really strong enough to tie up Abigail to an underwater pylon? I only watched the episode once, so I would have to go back for more details, but it seems like it would have to be someone we already know, but I have no idea who.

Still, love the show! I just wish the seasons were longer and didn’t have such a long hiatus!!

Thanks for the column.

March 11, 2010 at 6:09 PM

What keeps bothering me is what Mary said when he was dying. He took Gus’s hand and said “I’m sorry Gus” then “I just wanted to be wrong” anybody have an idea what he meant?

March 11, 2010 at 8:03 PM

I have an assumption that it is seans mom. I mean mary even said “There is no way Yang could’ve tied seans mom up and get the bombs on her in time” And plus seans dad said “Don’t worry sean your mother is safe at her hotel in new york.” And the show ended with Yin in a HOTEL with a picture of kid sean. But it has to be someone sean knows from either his past or present..

March 11, 2010 at 8:58 PM

Ok so I can’t believe no one else has thought of this but if you watch the episode again you may pick up on it. I have no idea how they plan on to explain things but I know who Mr Yin is, or at least played by. Ok first off the hand in the last scene is 100% a white mans hand. Second the picure in that last scene is 100% young Shawn or is it. It is just a picture of the actor who plays young Shawn. I know this may sound crazy I would not mention it if I wasn’t sure and I have no idea of how they plan on explaining it. The voice on the phone when Mr Yin calls about Abigail is actor James Roday. James is a good actor listen to his impresion of Jimmy Stewart and others I have watched the episode 3 times and I am sure It is James changing his voice. They may do some sort of a twin thing or a clone but the clone idea would just be crazy. We will have to wait and see and it is tv so they could change whatever they want whenever they want but in this episode James Roday was the voice of Mr Yin it would explain why Yin and Yang seemed to target Shawn and why Mr Yin said “I understand your perdicamint they’re both so you” talking about Jules and Abby. Hope to see what others think later

March 12, 2010 at 10:05 AM

I mentioned in my earlier post that Yin’s body structure resembled Shawn. And I agree that it is definitely Roday’s voice. But we saw Shawn look at Yin by the pier, so it isn’t Shawn, but some kind of lost twin or something like that is definitely a possibility.

March 11, 2010 at 10:11 PM

I think it’s pretty clear that shawn’s mom is somehow involved; the hotel clue plus the fact that Mary mentions that theres no way Yang could have tied her up. But its clearly a man…
Maybe they are working together? It seems unlikely that Yin would have a partner othr than Yang, but I just cant figure out how else Shawn’s mom fits in!! Also – possibility that Yin and Yang are sibblings? Or is that not probable?

March 12, 2010 at 2:31 AM

Ok in my last post I explained that the actor who did Mr Yin’s voice was definatly James Roday and I am still sure of it. Maybe Shawns mother is involved she is a Dr pyschiatrist i think maybe if Mr Yin is Shawns twin that is why and how his mother would be involved. YES MR YIN IS JAMES RODAY

March 12, 2010 at 2:58 AM

I really like the twin theory. Explains the mothers involvement, plus the voice over. Plus that moment they (Shawn and Yin) looked at each other was kinda brother-ie. The “yin” to shawn’s “yang.”
But…. why would that be? Henry and Shawn’s mom were together during the flashbacks. What happened to the twin then? Don’t you think Shawn would have some recollection of a twin? I don’t know. I like the theory, but there are a few holes in it.

What about Yang and Shawn’s mom being sisters? I feel like I’m really out there on that one. But it explains the picture, but not much else.

It has to be someone who knows Mary, because of the ankle weights.

March 12, 2010 at 3:23 AM

Maybe Yang worked in the hospital or something when Shawn was born and took the twin or if Shawns mother is involved that would explain why no one knows about the twin. I have not figured out how they are going to explain things I just know it was James Roday doing Yins voice watch it again and you can tell by the way his says things to very Shawn like

March 12, 2010 at 1:03 PM

Shawn’s mother is not likely Yang. My guess is that Yang was in Shawn’s mother’s hotel room. She may have been kidnapped again, and that’s why we were given that info about the hotel and then shown a hotel room with a picture of Shawn in it. Still confused about Yin being in the pic though.

The other option is that Shawn and Yang are twins, and Shawn is adopted. Yin could be his real mother, or possibly she adopted the other brother. Hence her deep interest in Shawn’s life. Have we ever seen baby pics of Shawn?

March 12, 2010 at 1:07 PM

Okay, so I flipped Yin with Yang. Should read:

Shawn’s mother is not likely Yin. My guess is that Yin was in Shawn’s mother’s hotel room. She may have been kidnapped again, and that’s why we were given that info about the hotel and then shown a hotel room with a picture of Shawn in it. Still confused about Yang being in the pic though.
The other option is that Shawn and Yin are twins, and Shawn is adopted. Yang could be his real mother, or possibly she adopted the other brother. Hence her deep interest in Shawn’s life. Have we ever seen baby pics of Shawn?

March 12, 2010 at 3:48 PM


Paying further honor to Hitchcock, and fitting with my post above…In PSYCHO, the killer was actually a young man which we have been led to believe is an old woman…in PSYCH we would have a killer who we are led to believe is a man, who is actually a woman…

just sayin

March 12, 2010 at 8:19 PM

The idea of Shawn having a twin brother doesn’t sound right. And Yang couldn’t be related to Shawn in any way because she mentions the word “marriage” to Sean. Meaning she might like Sean. So I don’t think shes related to Sean in any way.
As far as the mother goes, I really hope that she isn’t Yin. That would completely screw the story-line up and give it an ugly twist.

March 12, 2010 at 8:29 PM

Ok lets think……… I love the idea of yin being some sort of twin with shawn. First, we have to research the characteristics of yin and yang (the chinese philosphy not the killers) and apply them to shawn and anyone that has any bit of relation with shawn. I did some research my self and found that yin is understood as slow, soft, insubstantial, diffuse, cold, wet, and tranquil. They are generally associated with Femininity, birth and generation, and with the Night. Most of the scenarios involving yin took place during the night except for the park scene. Yang, by contrast, is characterized as fast, hard, solid, dry, focused, hot, and aggressive. They are associated with Masculinity and with the Daytime. I found this odd because in the show yang is a woman whose pattern was orderley, and from what we can think, yin is a man (seeming he had masculine hands, body, and voice). The show has represented yin as masculine when the true chinese philosphy represents it as feminine, and yang is also reprsented as the opposite of what it is really is. I don’t know how this may fit, but I hope it helps. Okay now that we have this we have to now apply it to shawn and anyone that has any bit of relation with shawn. Yin and yang are also understood as harmony. Yin and yag in unicent create something harmonic, but when they are seperate they are chaotic. Serial Killer yin is the opposite of yang. Stable (but obviously not that stable because he is a serial killer), normal are two things yin should be. Someone that know one would expect to be a killer…………… What do you think????

March 12, 2010 at 10:03 PM

Did anyone else notice this? In the said picture of little Shawn and Yang, look at Shawn’s clothes. They are the same clothes Little Shawn wore at the begining of the show when he told his dad he was going to “the little mermaid”.
That night was also the first time he saw the film Psycho, and he may have meet Yang (ally sheedy) at this showing. (he obviosly did NOT go to the little mermaid, lolz)

March 12, 2010 at 10:09 PM

Also, I hate to ask, bu did McNab really die? I mean sheesh, he was married and all. Its like when they killed Kevin Dorfman in Monk.

March 13, 2010 at 12:03 AM

no it says he is okay towards the end yin just nocked him out

March 13, 2010 at 12:15 AM

I think it was gus’ dad because Mary said sorry gus ijust wanted to be wrong is pretty much telling you it is Gus’ dad

March 13, 2010 at 1:22 AM

Mary said “I’m sorry Gus.” then after a scene he said “I wanted to be heroic.”

March 13, 2010 at 5:14 AM

Sean is wearing the same clothes he had on in the picture and the flashback when he watched Psycho.=o

March 13, 2010 at 11:49 AM

it culd be shawns mom but that would be weird becuz the person playing yin is a dude name chris turner. (watch the credits)

March 13, 2010 at 1:20 PM

What did Yang say at the very end of the episode when we saw the picture of young Shawn and Yang?

March 13, 2010 at 2:09 PM

Thanks jb, I see that now I re-watch the episode. *phew*
And yeah I’m sure that Shawn meet Yang the night he first saw Psycho. However, he would have remembered. But the plot will probably say he didn’t remember this meeting (at least untill way later in the plotline where he will probably have a flashback)

March 13, 2010 at 3:36 PM

hes not wearing the same clothes; in the flashbak he has a collared shirt, but in the picutre hes wearing a t-shirt. only the sweatshirt is the same

March 13, 2010 at 8:48 PM

Its definatly a GIANT strech but maybe its his mom, in the last 10 seconds its showed a picture of little Shawn with ally sheedy, so i’m thinking that she was one of his mom friends from when he was younger and that would explain why ally sheedy didn’t kill her when she was in the car in last seasons finale

March 14, 2010 at 12:41 AM

Thanks Justin. I realized that now.
Matt, yeah theres a lot going around online right now about Shawn’s Mom.Your theory is quite a bit more accurate then the other ones, because a show like Psych would never have his mother end up as someone like Yin. It would murder the show. Still though, the creepyness of it would be a little unnerving if she was his Moms friend. You know, with her being infatuated with Shawn and all.

March 14, 2010 at 1:41 PM

If it is Shawn’s mom, it also makes sense to put her “in danger” to throw suspicion off of her. In addition, Yin did not speak when he met Shawn at the docks, leading me to believe that “he” IS a “she”, disguising her voice.
I would say, though, that Yin had man-hands at the end of the finale.
I would also imagine that Yin would have to be someone we’ve met, before…

March 14, 2010 at 9:21 PM

i like your theory of it being shawns mom, but what about the phone call to shawn when abagail and juliet were captured? the voice on the phone was too low to be a woman

March 14, 2010 at 11:08 PM

I think its got to be the coroner, seems they went out of their way to introduce a new character….

March 15, 2010 at 9:16 PM

I’m convinced it’s Judd Nelson’s character, Dr. Reidman. Given the love for ’80’s references, this would be sweet and a great way for the two brat-packers to appear on screen together. His character seemed like a waste in the episode he was in. This would be a great way to give his character some meaning. The disguised Mr. Yin has the same body type as Judd Nelson too. Whaddya think?

April 3, 2010 at 9:45 PM

Also, in the Judd Nelson episode, while Jules is in the hospital bed perhaps infected with the virus, Reidman tells Shawn he will only need a mask and gloves if he decides to “enter the dragon”, to which Shawn briefly raises his eyebrows. There’s a definite connection between that phrase and YinYang.

March 16, 2010 at 7:43 PM

I’m pretty sure the voice on the phone is Sylar(Zachary Quinto) from Heroes. The voice even sounds like those voice machines from the Scream movies but it definitely sounds like Sylar.

March 18, 2010 at 1:51 AM

Watch the episode again the voice on the phone is definatly James Roday he just changes it a little

April 4, 2010 at 2:15 AM

I totally agree. The first time I heard the voice I was convinced it sounded exactly like Zachary Quinto aka Sylur. The hand shown at the end could also quite possibly work as his as well, not to mention the build of Yin when Shawn meets him on the dock. It would be werid to bring in a character weve never met before for such an important role for the following season, however, the voice was just so stunningly similar right when I heard it, I have a hard time thinking it isnt Zachary Quinto. Not to mention Heroes could be in its last season coming up, and it would be another nice role for him.

March 18, 2010 at 1:25 PM

Can anyone say twin?

April 23, 2010 at 3:56 PM

Yea Michelle I agree it is a twin of Shawn’s look a the earlier post I posted and let me know what you think not many people are getting it, but I am glad you did.

March 18, 2010 at 4:39 PM

It is definitely not Shawn’s father as he was in the room when mr. Yin was talking to Shawn and the police about Juliet. I do agree it could quite possibly be a twin of Shawn, his mom, or some random character we have never met. I highly doubt that it is mr. Guster, because they would have had him in more episodes than just the two. To go a long with that they wouldn’t have chosen to different actors to play Gus’s dad.

March 19, 2010 at 1:43 PM

It could not be Shaun’s father or mother or Gus’ father

1 Shaun’s father ran off screen right as Shaun saw Yin at the Pier – not nearly enough time for him to change into the Yin outfit with mask.

2 Yin is clearly a male based on the build of the character and the hand shown at the end of the episode. So it could not be Shaun’s mother.

3 Yin is white – watch the hand taking off the hat in the ending of the episode – cant be Gus’ father…

Seriously who would want one of their parents to be Yin in this show? We have gotten to know them so well it seems like such a stretch to think of one of them killing anyone.

I’m going to go back and pay attention to the look of all of their enemies and people in the frames…

Hope this helps!!!!


March 22, 2010 at 11:20 PM

Okay, I have a reason why it wouldn’t be someone we’ve never seen before and why it would more likely be someone we’ve met before. Mr. Yang’s identity was revealed in the same episode because she wasn’t a know character. Why would the show put so much hype and mystery around a character we’ve never met before. Also, at the end, Mr. Yin takes off the mask but yet we do not see the face. Again, why put so much hype behind a character we’ve never seen before?

Now here’s something I’ve been thinking of. Remember the priest Father Westly in “The Devil is in the Detail’s? When look at the clothes he’s wearing in the scene when he comes to the house. It’s the same clothes and hat Mr. Yin wears, and people have also pointed out that the hand looks like an older man’s hand. Just a theory but it makes sense.

March 25, 2010 at 1:19 PM

Corey, this is the reason that they added so much drama and “hype” to the end of the episode. It aired last week and people are STILL talking about it. They know that viewer’s interest will be sustained over the spring and they will be able to start Season 4 with a bang. There are going to be a lot of viewers watching the premier because they want more information on Yang. It might not be that it’s a returning character… they might just need a prolonged mystery.

March 26, 2010 at 3:49 PM

best answer left yet

March 24, 2010 at 9:27 PM

Dude ur amazing i’m gonna go see the black hand at the end i never noticed it and this is for jason, how could it have been mcnabb he was knocked out when he was picking up abigale unless there is someone else in the tie btwn yin and yang wich i’m sure they wouldn’t drag that so long and this is for durham, what cop??

March 31, 2010 at 12:40 PM

Yin is not black – the hand is clearly of a older white male.

March 26, 2010 at 11:00 AM

Has there been any reference in prior episodes which I have missed to a childhood trauma or loss of a sibling in Shawn’s life? Sure seems like that photo shown at the end points in that direction…

March 27, 2010 at 12:22 AM

Just throwing it out there, but I’m thinkin maybe Shawn was adopted??? Just an idea. I like the thought of it being a twin, or Judd Nelson though. lol. that would be perfect.

March 28, 2010 at 11:13 PM

I can see how you got to the adoption idea, but i highly doubt it is that only because his ability to remember everything he sees comes from his parents and his family.

March 29, 2010 at 12:41 PM

I’ll be really disappointed if Yin turns out to be a long-lost sibling of Shawn’s. That would be a direct copy and paste of season 1 of Dexter and I highly doubt the writers would do that.

March 31, 2010 at 10:24 PM

I keep hoping it is someone from “The Breakfast Club” that hasn’t been on the show yet, like Emilio Estevez or Anthony Michael Hall

April 8, 2010 at 8:09 PM

I think that it is juliets boyfriend from a couple of episodes ago

April 10, 2010 at 12:21 AM

There’s, as far as I’ve heard an about 70% of people who think it’s someone they’ve seen before, and 30% vice versa. Regarding guesses; think of Yang. At the end of “An evening with Mr.yang”, it shows Shawn realizing that Yang has been watching him all along. Maybe, if one is observational enough, they might see someone on the sidelines every time. Possible candidate for Yin.

April 12, 2010 at 12:14 AM

hang on, shawn said hitchcock was in all his own films, so it probably is someone who is always around shawn, making a small unnoticeable appearance! it could have been a reference!

the suspense is really annoying me now! when does season 5 start exactly?

April 15, 2010 at 1:45 PM

I was just thinking.. what if shawn was adopted? That guy may be the biological dad. Remember when the voice said “I knew you’d come, Shawn”?

April 15, 2010 at 1:47 PM

And the mental girl is the biological mom.. They never really physically hurt Shawn have they? That voice in the end bothered me. The woman’s voice saying “i knew you’d come, shawn”

April 16, 2010 at 3:45 AM

YES i think youre right. Yang could be his biological mom because shawns dad has blonde hair and so does his mom, then how does shawn have brown her? maybe his grandma had brown hair? skipped a gen? i dont think so. If yang is his real mom, then he would have got his perfect hair from yang! :D

April 20, 2010 at 5:23 PM

Im sure its a boy, but the part when Yin gets in the car right after he injected something into buzz caught my eyes. I could have sworn Yins phone was pink.. Plus the voice does sound really familiar. I doubt it that its Shawns dad or Gus.

April 28, 2010 at 10:31 AM

I think Yin is a twin of Shawn, if you watch the very last scene when the picture is being shown, pause the show, and you can see in the reflection of the picture James Roday standing there. It is barely visible but he is there. Also, yin stands for dark, passive, cold, downward, contracting, and WEAK. Yang, is the stronger one of the two, with Yin being the darker one but the follower. Yin being the son (weaker), Yang being the mother (stronger).

May 9, 2010 at 7:44 PM

Oh my god. My mind is blown.

June 8, 2010 at 6:50 PM

I really don’t see the reflection. Do you have a screencap where you can point it out?

May 31, 2010 at 6:25 PM

Yin is a white male so it is not gus’s dad or a twin of shawn because the kid in the photo was not the boy who plays shawn. it could be shawns dad but i doubt it. and yang is not very old to have a grown son. it is a possiblility but still look at the hand of the yin. it is older and the man is heavy built

June 3, 2010 at 7:53 PM

personaly i think it is yangs son because of the picture(unless its of Shawn), but i’m guessing that it may be a person who works in the police station, because that way they can get close to shawn,and it could be an extra we have seen, because that type of thing has happened before with Yin showing up all the way through the episode.But ya never no.

June 21, 2010 at 5:24 AM

During the Hitchcock film festival, Yin wore ankle weights to cause Shawn to believe that Mary was the killer, which shows that Yin is aware that Shawn is not psychic. Only two people, other than Shawn himself, know that he is not psychic, Gus and Henry.

July 3, 2010 at 3:20 PM

i don’t think yin is someone we’ve met because yang wasn’t

July 6, 2010 at 5:57 PM

It can’t be Shawn, Gus, Lassie, Chief Vic, Henry(Shawns Dad),Shawns mom, or McMan it has to be a Male whos is in there 40s or 50s. It could be someone That had to do with one of shawns cases. Also the actor who plays yin is Christapher Turner ( If you look at the credits it tells you)

July 7, 2010 at 2:32 AM

okay so i saw a couple people thought it could have been judd nelson’s character where he is a doctor working with whatever pathogen was released, etc. and then i saw your comment about a clone of shawn. now i will be VERY dissapointed if its a clone (or even twin of shawn.) and im not saying that theres even a chance of it being a clone, but judd nelson’s character asked for and recieved DNA from shawn at the end of the judd nelson episode. coincidence? who knows.. jeez i really hope its someone that is close but not too close to shawn

July 7, 2010 at 11:39 PM

I think it could be hangs husband which means chances r we have not met him before

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