CliqueClack TV

Supernatural – Another horseman. Must be Thursday.

Sam and Dean head to Bobby's home town where they run into a very odd zombie outbreak. You know, as opposed to all of those perfectly normal zombie outbreaks. In addition, the next horseman is revealed.

- Season 5, Episode 15 - "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid"

After another all too long break in the action, the boys are back, and they brought Bobby with them. Or rather, they headed to Sioux Falls, SD to see Bobby. What followed was a mix of apocalyptic information, zombie film, and the heartbreaking story of Bobby and Karen (Carrie Fleming).

Starting with the pale horse, there wasn’t a lot of surprise in that revelation. After watching the “THEN” segment, it was pretty clear that we were going to bump into another horseman. What was surprising was the way it all played out. When Karen passed on the message to Bobby, I assumed it was the setup for the dramatic finish where the boys knock off another of the riders. Not so much, as it turns out. Bobby is now being targeted, in the most heinous of ways, for helping Sam and Dean. That certainly raises the stakes. Along with that, Death is probably big enough to get a full-on episode all his own.

While we wait for that showdown, the zombie outbreak in Sioux Falls is a more than worthy distraction. Much like the non-reveal of death, this one worked because it was not at all what you would have expected. The zombies come back and just go about their lives, perfectly normal? That’s a rather awkward, and cruel, twist to the traditional tale. Once the turn happened, it did have that familiar zombie feel though. I especially liked the gang of zombies storming the house. Classic.

As good as that was, the real highlight of the Sioux Falls story was Sheriff Jody Mills. I’m sure that, like me, you all recognized Kim Rhodes as Carey Martin from Suite Life. Right? Quite a change of pace for her, and one I was happy to see. How do you not love Sheriff Mills? Her first meeting with agents Dorfman and Neidermeyer, and the familiar call to Bobby back at FBI HQ, was perfect. Sheriff Mills will now go down on my list of one-off characters I would love to see make a return at some point.

And then we have Bobby. How horrible was that? His line at the funeral pyre was just crushing, “She’s the love of my life. How many times do I gotta kill her?” The whole thing also raises an interesting question. While Death’s gambit failed on one level – Bobby escaped the zombies – the jury is still out on the other. Was all of this enough to knock Bobby out of the fight? I tend to think no. In fact, with time, I think it will only serve to strengthen his resolve. We’ll have to wait and see. Which should be easy, because it’s only a week away. Finally, Thursday nights feel right again.

Photo Credit: CW

3 Responses to “Supernatural – Another horseman. Must be Thursday.”

March 26, 2010 at 3:19 AM

I’m very happy with the return of my favorite series, that was a VERY long hiatus!!!

About the episode, i got the feeling that Bobby didn’t tell the boys the hole message, he kept something (why else would they
choose not to show Karen’s message to Bobby when it happened???)

ps: did you cath the slip in the “THEN” part??? they showed Bobby and Karen, as if that was a part of a previous episode… for a minute i though that i had miss an episode!!!! (no way in hell!!! :)

March 26, 2010 at 3:30 AM

forguet to ask you! how do you feel about the new season of supernatural without Kripke??? good or bad choice???

March 26, 2010 at 9:49 AM

My first choice would be to have Kripke back. If that’s not possible though, my second choice would be to have Sera Gamble take over. Add to that the fact that Kripke will still be involved as a producer and I think the show is going to be just fine. And the bonus… this also means that Kripke will be freed up to create a new show. I’m very curious to see what that will be.

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