CliqueClack TV

The Big Bang Theory – Wheaton strikes and scores

Is Wil Wheaton really so evil ... or is he just a smart bowler?

- Season 03, Episode 19 - "The Wheaton Recurrence"

“That’s right, Sheldon. Embrace your dark side.” – Wil Wheaton to Sheldon Cooper

Yep, tonight was another showdown between Sheldon and his idol-turned-nemesis, Wil Wheaton. Before I get there, I just want to do a quick fuss. I beg CBS, I plead, I whine and fuss … please think about returning this show to its rightful slot after How I Met Your Mother. It fit so much better there. Perhaps I’m the one person not into Two and a Half Men (I never liked Raymond when everyone else did, either), but I actually dozed during it and missed the first few minutes of tonight’s TBBT. Grr. Onto the show….

The two storylines in tonight’s show were vastly different, yet intertwined towards the end of the show. I’m not sure how I liked that. Sure, we all know Wil Wheaton is an evil so-and-so Star Trek fan magnet gone blogger now archenemy of Sheldon Cooper. However, he took the evilness beyond the point of a dead me-maw lie tonight. It could even be (gasp) series changing!

I’ve said all along that I don’t care for Penny and Leonard as a couple. I feel it should be more of an unrequited love just based on their characters. Well, now it looks like they could very well be breaking up. While their woes aren’t exactly the fault of that ne’er-do-well Wheaton, he certainly rushed them to some sort of fruition.

It was one of those cases where Lenny told Penny he loved her and she didn’t respond in kind, and blah-blah-blah — we’ve probably all done that at one time or another in a relationship. As that dilemma is going on, Sheldon has a bowling smackdown with Wil Wheaton and we know there’s no love there! Wheaton, to rattle Penny’s bowling expertise, told her of a relationship he was in during which the girl strung him along for two years while he was madly in love. Cue the storm-out and the break-up of PennyLenny seems to be on the horizon. Score for Wil Wheaton.

Oh, the costumes? That was the bet on the bowling game Sheldon and his crew lost.

Disclaimer: I honestly don’t think Wil Wheaton is evil. Twisted, perhaps. But not evil. Twisted is, of course, a good thing. I feel I quasi-know him after reading emails from him for more than a few years in the blogging community. I don’t think he’d break up a couple. Sure, he’d try to con some Guinness from newbies. But, is that really evil or just clever?

Photo Credit: CBS

One Response to “The Big Bang Theory – Wheaton strikes and scores”

April 14, 2010 at 10:40 AM

Evil Wil is a role he plays on TV.

Evil Wil on BBT _is_ evil. He’s a total evil ass who’s doing everything he can to win.

Real Life Wil is every geeks personal hero these days. After his 2007 Pax keynote, he’s everybody’s darling. He has 1.6 million Twitter followers. He’s an overall great guy and everyone out there would love to be friends with him. He’s so extremely modest and the way he writes about his experiences on shows like BBT, “Leverage” and now “Eureka” as well as the things that happened to him during the filming of ST:TNG or the last Star Trek movie just makes you connect with him.

So… it’s kinda not necessary to outline the fact that he’s not evil, because that’s obvious. It’s as obvious as anybody guest-starring on “Entourage” or “Curb” not being like the character they play there.

But I guess you are right to put it out there because there’s still a big chance that too many people might not get it and it’s great that you look out for Wil. I bet he appreciates it :-)

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