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Army Wives – If Roland called the FBI, why’d he bother to go to the bank?

Life continues on post, as Trevor and Roxy tell the kids about their expanding family, Claudia Joy closes in on an award, and Joan prepares to return to theater. But nothing is ever as simple as it seems....

- Season 4, Episode 3 - "Homefront"

I have to credit my wife with the following observation, but I love that Army Wives portrays how enthusiastically soldiers look at what they do while managing to not push a political agenda. It’s a relief to hear war referred to as a duty, or honorable, as opposed to it being labeled good or bad. That outlook is one of the many things I enjoy about this show.

Another is how well these characters have been created, and how they stay true to who they should be. Take Joan, for instance. It definitely made no sense at the end of last season that she didn’t cover her hair when going to talk to the Sheikh. But be that mistake as it may, once an officer, always an officer.

At first I thought Joan would discover her passion while roaming the hospital in Germany, lifting spirits left and right. But the truth is, she was just being who she is — a leader. That wasn’t an as-yet unknown character trait of hers; that’s who she is. And I enjoyed seeing her as herself. And I’d really love it if we were able to follow her to Iraq to watch her build schools. She’s not my favorite, and I disagree with her decision to go back to Iraq in the first place, but when Joan’s being authentic, she’s great. Hearts and minds is right.

Roland appears to be at the very beginning of a long story with his former partner, and FBI fugitive, Price (Clifton Powell). Roland’s a tough one. I’ve enjoyed him immensely as part of the wives’ ensemble, but I’m not sure if he’s ever given me what to praise as an individual. I suppose I did enjoy watching him struggle with career and familial decisions (his acting and contribution to the show, not in a malicious way), but as for his drama with Price? Not for me. If he does get bogged down with Price’s nonsense, he could be a wash for the season. On the other hand, if they leave Price’s plot dangling out there in the wind, Roland may be able to return to being the rock that his family and friends need. Which path would you take?

We’re going to suffer through a very ho-hum plot for Roxy, Trevor, and their pregnancy this season. I’m sure there’ll be more money scares, and probably a health one as well, but that’s all pretty routine. I can’t figure out where Trevor’s interesting life got derailed…. Nevertheless, I feel all the more sure that TJ (Luke Bartelme) is going to become a serial killer. First stop: small animals. Stay tuned.

Since Lenore’s unwelcome guest spot on the show would seem to have come to an end with Claudia Joy winning The Muriel Spenser Award for best Army spouse, I’m not sure what lies ahead for her and Michael. We may now return to the possibility that Fort Marshall will be closed, but that shouldn’t take up much of Claudia Joy’s time or focus. Emmalin may or may not be due some fresh drama, but if she acts up again I suggest they send her to the girl’s equivalent of military school. It’s enough with her already. Neither Michael nor Claudia Joy should have to stoop to the level dealing with her requires they be on.

Not sure about Denise either. We didn’t see Frank or Jeremy last night, so I don’t know what the writers have in store for her.

And as for Pamela? Chase is probably due back soon, so expect to see the fireworks start post-haste.

51GyP93qZIL. SL160 Army Wives A season finale mostly worthy of the title51BrcurVH8L. SL160 Army Wives A season finale mostly worthy of the title51kaTVRmJ4L. SL160 Army Wives season 4 Lets review

Photo Credit: Lifetime

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