CliqueClack TV

American Idol – An Idol haiku wrap-up

An 'Idol' contestant with tattoos ... received some disheartening news....

- Season 9, Episode 35 - "The Top 6 Results"

In honor of April being National Poetry Month, I present to you the American Idol Top 6 Results Show wrap up in glorious 5-7-5 haiku.  With so much monkey business being committed during this show — and a fair bit of continuation from the previous night’s “non-events” — I felt it only fitting to ‘poeticize’ the post.

Besides … you wouldn’t have even known (with but a mere day left in the month) that April is National Poetry Month. Right?  Am I right? Yes … I’m right.

I mean … we all need some culture here and there in our lives.  And deep down you know you’re not gonna get it from Idol. So sit back, relax and free yourself as you read below. (Please direct your thoughts and hate mail to the comments section below.  But I know, deep down, you love it.)

Thank God Country Night
Is now just a memory
Next time, ask Lovett.

Lame vampire Ford thing
Was mired in earth by the
aimless director

Lady Antebell
Uhm …. you made my wife happy
The lead chick’s voice, though …..

Why couldn’t Big Mike
Have been the Idol ousted?
He tires us all …..

Too bad for Siobhan
Her quirkiness will be missed
much by this viewer

I doff my hat *tip*
At her uniqueness in song
And bid her farewell

But, as said before:
Chicks with tattoos do not win
‘Merican Idol

Shaq and Rascal Flatts
What the hell was that about?
Swishy skirts don’t work

Harry Connick? Cool!
Finally, something to look
Forward to next week!

P.S.  Did anyone else get the ‘willies’ when the Rascal Flatts dude ‘stared down’ Shakira’s chest time and again during the performance? You be the judge. 

Photo Credit: Fox

10 Responses to “American Idol – An Idol haiku wrap-up”

April 29, 2010 at 2:22 PM

Famous people performance, commericial, Famous people performance, commercial, Famous people performance, commercial. Jeezus Schmeezus, if they’d had one more group they could have dispensed with the results completely. And I can’t even remember who the friggin famous people friggin were. *video jogs a slight memory*

IDOL yer days are numbered.

April 29, 2010 at 2:24 PM

The entire evening was like a horror movie….too bad Vincent Price didn’t make an appearance from the grave. THAT would have been entertainment.

The lead singer from Sons of Sylvia…did he blink once? Wondering if his mother is related to the same Dr. Hook’s, Sylvia. That would ‘splain a little anyway.

April 29, 2010 at 2:26 PM

I am so shiv-ry
About Harry Connick 2
I could pee myself.

Didya see that? I Haiku’ed!

April 29, 2010 at 4:42 PM

I just might tune in next week, that’s how much I love HC Jr!

April 29, 2010 at 4:48 PM

*faints at Tara’s comment*

*gets up …. but faints anew at Debbie’s possibility*

April 29, 2010 at 5:47 PM

God you are hilarious!!! Great poetry!

April 29, 2010 at 5:57 PM

There once was a dude from St. Pete
He was charming upon the first meet
But his ego doth grow
His falsetto he crow
His departure for me will be sweet

There’s my lame contribution to poetry month. So, I can’t watch that video. Nope. Not gonna happen.

April 29, 2010 at 7:04 PM

Love the poetry. Hate the Idol outcome. Siobhan was amusing. I hoped smugger-than-thou Mike would go.


At least it’s Sinatra week next week.

April 30, 2010 at 12:54 AM

I got nothing.

Elory was here.

May 6, 2010 at 9:36 PM

This goes without saying, Lois …..

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