CliqueClack TV

American Idol – As expected, Casey James makes his exit

All the 'Idols' go home for a visit. But for Casey James, the visit is for good.

- Season 9, Episode 41 - "Elimination Night"

It’s all about the last three contestants on American Idol. That’s what they say.

Each year, this episode is one of my favorites of the season. Seeing the remaining ‘Idols’ head back to their homes for a quick visit and to glad-hand their fans … seeing all those fans lined up to see them … seeing the emotion come rushing at them when they step out of their limos or onto that stage or receiving a key to the city, well … it’s all special. And I have to admit: It brings tears to this writer’s eyes each and every time. (Deep down, I’m a big ‘ole softie at heart.) It matters not who makes the Top Three;  each one of them put in amazing effort to get there. And that gives them the exclusive right to enjoy every moment of the celebration they’re due back at their hometowns. And I admit: I dig it.

Besides the drama of finding out who gets elevated to the finals, there’s the obligatory performances by performing ‘names’ … at least names that many bubblegummers know well.

First, there was Travis Garland: He with the desperate need of a belt. (The dude pulled up his pants numerous times during his performance of “Believe.” See video below.)  And post-performance, I have to admit: Sorry, Travis. Try as you did, there is no possibility I will ever “Believe” in you. It seems you’re nothing more than a passing fad, if even that.

Then came ‘The Beeb’. Good Gordness. Once my daughter caught wind of the fact Justin Bieber would be performing on this evening’s Idol telecast, wild horses couldn’t keep her away from the television. Yet another admission: The kid’s got stage presence. The tunes crafted for him are catchy as all get out and he’s shaking the trees of the young generation out there. Go, Beebster, go.

The night came down to a lot of chit chat between Ryan Seacrest and each of the ‘Idols’. It was nice to see Lee as animated as he was when given the go ahead nod into next week. And the bit of confusion surrounding Crystal’s offer to join Lee was even endearing.  Of course — as expected — that left Casey to bow out of the competition with the dignity and grace he’s usually shown week in and week out, be it on stage or off.

His performances in the end might have become rote … but the dude’s still got class.

Farewell, Casey. It’s been nice getting to know you on Idol.

Photo Credit: Fox

14 Responses to “American Idol – As expected, Casey James makes his exit”

May 20, 2010 at 10:25 AM

I don’t get the Bieber, but then, my dad didn’t get my Osmond fixation, either. Yes, it’s official that I have become my father sans facial hair and bald spot.

Casey seemed quite at ease with leaving. His parting performance was endearing and more enjoyable than the night before. That little girl’s mother who Casey cradled may never wash her again.

I’m not rooting for either Crystal or Lee, but at the moment Lee has managed to tug at my heart a weency bit. AND was it not awesome to learn that Crystal’s superior health care was being provided BY the Idol powers? now that is taking care of business and then some. As much as I hate to admit it, that information earned American Idol a little respect from this faithful, snarky viewer.

May 20, 2010 at 11:26 AM

I always love the goodness of the hometown visits, too. It’s nice to see the Idols experience for the first time a taste of what the future holds for them. And when they get choked up, I get choked up, well, a little.

I’m satisfied with either of them winning. But I’ve been cheering Lee on all season.

May 20, 2010 at 11:40 AM

Did I have another mild stroke or did Regis Flippin’ make an appearance in the middle of the Casey video??? No kidding….. look.

Anyhooooooo….. don’t know as I’ve ever been so touched as I was with Casey’s exit song…. my gosh, I walked around here snifflin’ for 30 minutes afterwards. Class act that Casey. I wish him ALL sorts of wonderful things. Good kid. Too bad he’s such a homely child.

This is my favorite night of the IDOL year too. Love the visits home. These kids have SO earned it. I especially love watching the parents and family members. Could they have been more proud? Loved the whack a mole bit Crystal did in the Limo…. I sobbed when Lee was in the paint shop. LOVED the duct taped “HI SIMON” on the horse’s butt in Casey’s clip. ANd he could autograph my dog anyday. It was all so wonderous!…… and did Crystal throw a mean first pitch or what? So happy for them all. I hardly ever feel bad for the one going home on this night because they’ve gotten to do this and see just what an inpact they have made in their home towns.

Man, this is one season I hate see coming to an end. I’ve enjoyed it SO much better than last year.

May 20, 2010 at 11:58 AM

I thoroughly enjoyed the show last night. The hometown visits are simply the best and very touching. Casey is a class act indeed and I do believe he will do well for himself. Bring on the finale.. I can’t wait.

May 20, 2010 at 3:00 PM

I could have done without the two performers, but that’s just me!

All 3 or their hometown visits were amazing!!!! The one that stuck with me the most and I tear up as I type this – was Casey’s. His visit to the hospital where his life was saved had me weepy thru his whole home town visit package.

Seeing that HUGE crowd for Lee was REALLY cool too.

I had seen video of Crystals hometown video via a twitter account I follow and watching last nights footage again made me smile :)

I think either one of the two left can win, and if the comments/likes are any indication of the winner (Casey had the least of the 3 yesterday) then Lee has now pulled out in front of Crystal, who’s been getting the most comments and or likes for as long as there’s been a fan page for each contestant.

I’m going to miss the finale, sadly. My services are needed at a soccer friendly. I’m going to be asking for one of my East Coast AI pals to text me the winner, which will take place bout 1/2 an hour before the soccer match starts. I don’t wanna wait til I get home and I’ll still watch the show once I get home, if I’m still alive enough to do so.

The anticipation, as always is killin me like always, so next weds. wont come soon enough for me!

May 20, 2010 at 5:22 PM

Beth……. just quit!….. hell, I quit a really good job to watch the OJ trials in the 90’s. On second thought……. DON’T!!!. It wasn’t worth it. It might have been worth it if they had fried him.

May 20, 2010 at 3:43 PM

Everyone knows I love my snark. But I cry like an idiot at every hometown show. (Elliott’s visit home with his Mom a few years ago nearly dehydrated me). I could have done without the performances, and I agree with everyone *points* up there! Like Riss’ Dad with the Osmond’s, my mother just could NOT stand my Barry Manilow fixation either. Hey, her loss! And since when does Pezez-freaking-Hilton “discover” people???
Anyway! Lee has pulled ahead for me. Either can take it, and I’ll be OK. But since I love Gloria and don’t want her to die, I am on the Lee train baby!

May 20, 2010 at 5:18 PM

Can you believe they gave that freak some face time…. Purrrez? Never figgered I’d have to carry a barf bag to watch IDOL. Well, actually I wish I’d had a barf bag a few times. And it had nothing to do with the contestants.

I won’t die if Lee comes in second but I might kick a dog or two or maybe a husband.

May 20, 2010 at 5:26 PM

I don’t get the Beiber kid…… I have a really hard time getting all excited over a singer who probably has no body hair. It’s just the way I am. Ask me again when he hits puberty.

I didn’t mind the Travis guy but the very fact that he’s buds with Purrrez makes him suspect to me. Purrrezz should just venture up his butt and discover his head. That should keep him busy for awhile.

May 20, 2010 at 6:45 PM

You being snarkless and MissRiss tipping her hat to the PTB? Where AM I? Hometown week. It was a triple hankie night for old Lo.

May 20, 2010 at 7:48 PM

With all you’ve mentioned, Lois, it kinda makes you wonder if my prediction is going to come to bear about Crystal getting the tiara.

Lee is on *FIAH* the last two weeks.

Worry not, Lois. The snark, I’m sure, will return …..

May 20, 2010 at 9:49 PM

“I”m all out of snark. I’m so lost with you…”

Have they ever done an AIR SUPPLY week? How awesome would that be? Russell and Graham mentoring? Ooooh.

May 20, 2010 at 10:24 PM

I will admit, I fast forwarded to the end just to confirm what I already knew…I was pressed for time. Now that I’ve read this blog I’m sure I know what to ff through when I go back and watch it now…LOL

May 22, 2010 at 11:08 AM

Look at you, Rupe, a big ole softie. Who would’a thunk? I’m admittedly the same way during the hometown visits. They are touching, even to a couple of jaded, snarkateers like you and me. That visit to the hospital for Casey really hit me.

The Beebster is hilarious! I will admit he’s cute and doesn’t sound half-bad, but what will happen when his voice actually changes!? Gasp. Good thing he could probably retire now and be just fine. And yeah, that’s a bit of the green-eyed monster coming out in me.

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