CliqueClack TV

The Practice virgin’s diary – How clueless can Bobby be?

An unhinged Lindsay decides to take matters into her own hands when she receives a mysterious phone call that she decides came from the recently acquitted Lawrence O'Malley. Shoot him? Why not.

(Season 6, Episodes 20-21)

I’m not sure what Eugene was thinking, but putting Ellenor in charge of Lindsay’s murder defense was about the worst decision that anyone could have made given the circumstances. Ignoring the sheer insanity of the firm continuing to defend her, Eugene is head and shoulders a better lawyer than anyone else in the firm. I’m not saying that Lindsay would win with Eugene — she’s guilty as sin — but putting her freedom in the hands of a lesser attorney certainly wasn’t the right call.

And in a complete non sequitur, did you know that there are states where you could still ask for death by firing squad as a method of execution? Just saying, you know, if it happened to come up during someone’s murder trial.

6.20 “Evil/Doers”

Somebody back at The Practice central made a seriously erroneous call deciding that Kelli Williams (Lindsay) was a drama darling; she sucks. So to have to suffer through yet another one of her sob stories … I don’t know if I can.

How reprehensible was it that Lindsay and Bobby called on Helen to have the acquitted Lawrence O’Malley (Christopher Shyer) committed because Lindsay felt threatened by him? Is that really what friendship with an ADA gets you? We may all find the fact that the guy eats dead people disgusting, and we may be confident that he did in fact murder those people that he ate, but according to a jury of 12 he was innocent of murder. Can someone, therefore, really be committed to a mental institution for eating dead human flesh?

Eugene, meanwhile, showed why he’s the best attorney on the show. Even though the twins that guest Dorian Harewood played fooled him shamefully, Eugene once again kept me fully riveted during an off episode. I was waiting for one of the brothers to reveal the scar behind his ear, but I honestly didn’t know which one it would be until the end. And it was funny to see that when things are actually important, Jimmy sits in the background, quietly observing. No kidding he’s not fit to play with the big kids.

But otherwise, I just didn’t care about this one. That entire civil committal hearing was a disgrace. And the repetitive story line about one of the lawyers at the firm fearing for their life is really old at this point. Can they find something new to do?

6.21 “This Pud’s for You”

Well, being on trial for murder is nothing new either. Bobby was guilty of sending someone to kill William Hinks, and Helen shot and killed Ellenor’s crazy friend. I can’t believe that not once did Lindsay say, “What have I done?” She came across as mad that anyone would be upset with what she did, let alone try her for a crime. Well, she did commit a crime — she executed Lawrence O’Malley. And if the show had a conscience, she’d be heading to prison for life.

I was more or less indifferent about Rebecca’s case, except that I was happy to see her finally first-chairing a trial again. I feel as if she’s been in the background for a while now.

Anyway, I didn’t really care one way or the other, until that video showed up of the girl who was thought to have been murdered. It was too much. I didn’t expect it, and I think kidnapping, torture, and the casualness of trading the girl’s life for Rodney’s (Robert Cicchini) freedom was possibly the farthest this show has pushed the good taste envelope (and that’s saying something).

I wonder if the story still has legs, or if Rodney’s death is the end of it. Nine times out of ten it would be dropped, never to be heard from again. But with the finale coming up next, and this being Rebecca and Helen, there is a chance that a resolution will be brought to the story. I mean, both Rebecca and Helen will have her blood on their hands, so for their sakes, if for nothing else, I hope they find her.

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Photo Credit: IMDb

2 Responses to “The Practice virgin’s diary – How clueless can Bobby be?”

June 3, 2010 at 7:49 PM

Did you notice how weird Helen looked in the Evil Doers episode?
She clearly got lip injections and Botox around the time it was filmed. When you compare how she looks in season 6 with the first season or even to season 4, it’s pretty scary.

Anyway, here’s the season 6 season finale:

It’s probably my favorite episode of the entire series.

June 5, 2010 at 9:47 PM

Unfortunately, I miss a lot of that visual nuance due to my terrible eyesight and refusal to wear glasses. I’ll take a look next time.

Thanks for the link; FX is airing the season six finale tomorrow, so I’m good. But much appreciated! :)

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