CliqueClack TV

So You Think You Can Dance – Admissions … contestants and otherwise

"Admissions"? Yes. I admit 'SYTYCD' is ticking me off royally ... and I admit I was wrong.

- Season 7, Episode 4 - "The Contestants Are Revealed"

So … I’m a bit pissed off at The Powers That Be at So You Think You Can Dance today. For several reasons.

You see … they’ve been pushing the “only 5 girls and only 5 guys will make the cut” hogwash on us since the beginning of the season.

No, no, no … waitaminnit. Hold up there, Michael. Let’s back up a bit to make certain we keep things in contrast here.

Restart: At the beginning of the season, SYTYCD announced they would be nixing the Top 20 contestant format in light of their “new and improved” season of only 10 contestants instead. They decided to muck about with a recipe that was just fine the way it was.  And THEN they beat it into our brains mercilessly there would be only ten top performers making the grade — half girls, half guys.

But wait: They threw that baby out with the bathwater as well last night. They broke their own rules — once again — and let an extra guy in under the radar.

So, you can see why I’m grumbly about what’s going on at SYTYCD .

Should I be happy they let an extra dancer in the competition? Well, all things considered, yes … I should be. That’s one more than was originally expected to make it … one more contestant to mull during the episodes, shaving my grouchiness over SYTYCD‘s re-imagining of the season. There’s that … right?

No. There isn’t that. Not when when it’s been crammed down our throats a new format was where it’s at this time ’round.  No … not when the fans have been flailed endlessly with the supposed admission of one thing only to have it changed yet again last night.  No … not when The Powers That Be have disappointed some truly spectacular dancers by leaving them in the wake of the show’s altered plan.

Thus: My piss-offedness.

So here are your Top Ten (er … “Eleven” … excuse me) So You Think You Can Dance contestants for Season 7:

  • Cristina Santana, San Diego, CA, salsa and belly dancer
  • Lauren Froderman, contemporary jazz dancer
  • Ashley Galvan, Visalia, CA, lyrical dancer
  • Melinda Sullivan, Thousand Oaks, CA, tap dancer
  • Alexie Agdeppa, Rowland Heights, CA, jazz and contemporary dancer
  • Jose “Full Deck” Ruiz, Miami, FL, B-Boy dancer
  • Alex Wong, Vancouver, British Columbia, ballet dancer
  • Kent Boyd, Botkins, OH, contemporaray jazz dancer
  • AdéChiké Torbert, Brooklyn, NY, contemporary dancer
  • Robert Roldan, Thousand Oaks, CA, contemporary dancer
  • Billy Bell, Palm Beach, FL, contemporary dancer

(One more thing. I’m not even going to get into frothing myself into a tizzy at the judges continual blathering about “we can only let so many contemporary dancers into the competition.” Take a gander how many are on the show this season: SIX. *fumes*)

Yes … I will continue to watch the show with vim and vigor. But there will be a bit of burn going on deep down inside as I’ve been force-fed something — twice, now — that turned out to be an imitation and not the real thing.

Oh … and bsgfan2003? The crow is being eaten. You were correct.

Photo Credit: Fox

18 Responses to “So You Think You Can Dance – Admissions … contestants and otherwise”

June 10, 2010 at 1:33 PM

Just start assuming that half of everything you hear/read/view in marketing campaigns is a lie. I’ve been much happier of late when doing this. :)

I don’t know if the six position was warranted. Not terribly fair to the gals, like Ryan. (Was that her name?)

June 10, 2010 at 9:02 PM

I rather reject this, bsgfan2003.

Someone has to be held accountable. *points a finger over at Fox*

I mean, after all … I held up my end of the bargain …

June 10, 2010 at 3:05 PM

Wow… maybe it’s time for someone else who isn’t a crazy bitch to review the show?

June 10, 2010 at 9:03 PM

*looks in mirror … considers*

No … no … I do believe I’m crazy enough, Oreo.

June 10, 2010 at 10:35 PM

As long as you see you are completely nuts… :-p

Can you complain about the two things that has been driving everyone nuts since last season?

The set and the camera angles! That still hasn’t been fixed.

June 10, 2010 at 3:58 PM

Ummm,now I’d like a big glass of milk and some oreos (rofl)

June 10, 2010 at 9:04 PM

Not before dinner, Bronsont …

June 10, 2010 at 9:37 PM

Cookies! now, bitch! hehehe I don’t watch the show. Mary Murphy makes me want to hurt small animals and I love animals (PETA leave me alone)

June 10, 2010 at 6:38 PM

add me to the list of crazy bitch because I share the same sentiment! Keep up your writing — sincerely your fans ‘the other crazy bitch’

June 10, 2010 at 9:04 PM

*tips hat at cynicalorange*

June 10, 2010 at 8:21 PM

Now I’m just curious as to whether they’re adding another all-star, and how that’s all going to work now that there are 11. And are they adding another week to the competition? Or just eliminating 2 people next week?

June 10, 2010 at 9:05 PM

Well … it’s been stated there will be 12 ‘all-stars’ to fill those rolls, Kelley.

Why 12? I’ven’t a clue.

I’m certain we’ll get to the bottom of this eventually.

… or not …

June 10, 2010 at 8:55 PM

Screwing around with the audience is not a good thing. And they really did need to go with 20. However, I guess we can “wait and see” what develops.

After all, it’s summer. Not much else on!

June 10, 2010 at 9:07 PM

I, for one, am taking the ‘wait and see’ approach, mehitabel.

I’ll gather up the results and make a determination whether or not messing about with the format was a good thing or not.

Right now, it’s not. And there are a lot of people on board that train.

June 10, 2010 at 9:55 PM

*calling Ash now…to pick up some cookies*

Love ya crazy bitch

June 10, 2010 at 10:00 PM

I’ve been fuming over only Top 10!!!! WHAT???? What a waste of such good talent that don’t get a chance!!! UGH!

That being said I’m so excited Ade, Twitch, Pasha, Anya and Kathryn, and Allison are coming back….beautiful dancers all of them!

I’m going to watch my DVR shows now and see why the hell there are 11 dancers!!!

June 11, 2010 at 9:33 AM

crazy bitch? hey, that’s MY ringtone!

did you mean to type they let an extra guy in? i was thinking they let an extra gay in. can’t ever have too many of those in a package.

the only GOOD nights for soap operas like these are the tryouts and the last two nights.

June 11, 2010 at 11:00 AM

It’s like getting one answer from Mom and a different answer from Dad. I wonder if Mom and Dad are about to reveal that we have a sixth sister we never knew about. hmmmmm

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