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Leverage looks to be back in full form in the season three premiere

Can season three of 'Leverage' get this show back to its season one quality? If the premiere is any indication, I'd say they stand a fighting chance.

- Season 3, Episode 1 - "The Jailhouse Job"

Well, how about that opening scene? That’s what we’re talking about, Leverage. Eliot, the Hitter (I guess no longer the Retrieval Specialist, which faded out last season), hitting. Parker on a zip line. Generally, just a little snippet of each team member doing what they do best.

We didn’t have to watch the team divide, mourn the loss of Nate or become generally mopey or bicker-y about anything. They plan a job like any other job, only this time, we get to see them try to spring Nate from the clink. I can’t think of a better way to open the season — they got right into the funny, upbeat vibe that we all love about Leverage and did it well.

The case of the week was a good one, and the little reveals as to how they pulled the con felt fresh to me. Last season, they definitely felt stretched and weren’t always as clever. The suit was my favorite one tonight … or was it Nate in the trunk of Worth’s car…?

Now here’s where it gets interesting…. We’ve got Accent Girl basically blackmailing Nate (and essentially his team as well, though they don’t know the stakes) into taking down some Big Bad Moreau guy. OK, I can definitely get on board with a season long story arc like this one. It’s got purpose, we don’t have to focus on Nate’s drinking as the big arc, yet they also left it open for the cases of the week to tie into Moreau. Well done.

The team has always been on top, the ones with “the leverage,” as they say in the intro. But now, with this episode ending with Nate saying, “Someone else has the leverage — we have to get it back,” we’ve got a new twist that will challenge the team. I like it.

Other observations:

  • Hardison’s British accent was simply awful. Sophie (or whatever your name is), the man could use some coaching.
  • Speaking of which, it was pretty hilarious that everyone now knows Sophie’s real name except Nate. Parker: “Who’s Sophie?”
  • Parker trying to be sexy was awesome.
  • As was the toy helicopter.
  • Anyone else question — just for a moment — whether or not angry Eliot was going to perform a little dental surgery on Nate? The guy did run a con on his own team, remember.
  • Eliot’s ass-kicking scenes never gets old. I love how they slightly speed up the shots of him so he looks all super bad.

What did you think of Leverage‘s season three premiere? Admit it — it’s got potential. I’m not saying it’s impossible to screw it up, but so far, so good. Very good.

Photo Credit: Erik Heinila/TNT

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Leverage | TV Shows |

10 Responses to “Leverage looks to be back in full form in the season three premiere”

June 21, 2010 at 2:07 AM

The 2nd episode tonight was even better! Great start to the new season. Welcome back, Leverage!

June 21, 2010 at 3:29 AM

both episodes were awesome! back to season 1 quality

June 21, 2010 at 6:05 AM


That’s all.

June 21, 2010 at 11:15 PM

I’m with you 100%, Debbie! We only watched the episodes tonight, so I waited until now to read your take on it. And you’re right about Hardison’s accent, it was horrendous. My kids can do better just from watching Dr. Who! Now Gina Bellman, on the other hand, manages some pretty decent accents even if they’re a little ‘amped up’ but I figure that’s more for the comedy of the show than a stab at authenticity.

I don’t think we’re quite at season 1 awesomeness, but we’ve only had 2 episodes so this rocket is barely off the launch pad, but it’s certainly on course. Houston, we have our groove back!

I’m surprised “Mr. Suck” hasn’t weighed in yet on the show. C’mon Ivey, I would really like to know what you thought of the first 2 hours of this season. You’re like Mikey to Leverage’s Life Cereal…I want to know if you’ll eat it up. If not, I’ll have your! :o)

June 21, 2010 at 11:26 PM

I’m sorry, Ivey. Upon further reflection I think referring to you as “Mr. Suck” will come off as mean-spirited. Please know I don’t mean it to be so, I’m simply being silly, not attacking your opinions or person in any way.

June 22, 2010 at 1:44 AM

Trust me, sir, I’ve been called much, much worse.

I enjoyed the first episode, and enjoyed the hell out of the second one. The team dynamic, and the chemistry, was back in full effect.

And not to go down the list point by point, but most of what I talked was reflected. Except the Nate/Sophie stuff. But you can’t always get what you want, eh?

And folks, really, if you don’t think I was exaggerating with the word “suck,” I guess I should have rocked a bit more with the tongue in cheek :)

June 22, 2010 at 9:39 PM

Thanks, Ivey. I just wanted to make it clear that I was being silly and not making a personal attack. It’s often difficult to read a person’s attitude/intentions with only text.

Just for the hell of it I’ve decided to use a real picture of myself and begin the process of migrating to my real name. Besides, “Tom” is easier to spell. “Lenny” gets all confusing with just how many n’s and where to put the ‘y’ and all that. I’m too old for that crap!

June 22, 2010 at 3:49 PM

I just watched the second episode last night and it was even better than the premiere — yay! Can’t wait to see the next 2!

June 22, 2010 at 4:53 PM

Will you be reviewing that episode too?

June 22, 2010 at 9:41 PM

Same here, Deb! My only worry is with all these double features the season will be over with sooner. Who do we have to kill to get 22 episodes out of the Leverage people?

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