CliqueClack TV

So You Think You Can Dance – The winner of the competition is clear

Is there any doubt that Lauren Froderman will win the competition on this season of 'So You Think You Can Dance'? Not from this reviewer....

This is going to be the down and dirty version of a review because, really, we’ve pretty much seen it all on So You Think You Can Dance. Don’t you think?


Well … show me where I’m wrong.

We saw Nigel announce no one was leaving the competition last week, but that two contestants will be ousted this week. A bit of a surprise, but just a bit. Drama.

And it’s rather pointless to critique the solo stints any of the contestants do going forward. They get on stage … commit their 30 seconds in their preferred style … and there you go. It is what it is at this stage of the game.

But I will say this coming after the solo from Lauren Froderman: She is going to win this competition. (She’s just some kind of wonderful. Can I get a witness?)

I really don’t see how she can’t win. She’s an animal on stage, and she puts more passion into a performance time and again than anyone left. (Kent Boyd about matches her, but she’s got the edge over him.)

Oh … there have been better performances than Lauren’s week in and week out. But collectively, throughout the season, we’ve seen her rise to the occasion and do things physically, as well as technically, that blow us away.

Just a few random notes on this episode:

  • Kent and all-star Anya’s cha-cha was so severe and thrashing I thought someone was going to get thwacked. Snappy routine to a snappy tune.
  • Robert Roldan’s contemporary offering with Kathryn didn’t work. Whereas I’ve come to love contemporary, their performance was a complete disconnect as far as I’m concerned. (I know … you agree with me.)
  • Cute little Jose Ruiz does hip-hop? Again? That’s a stretch, I know. Funky as it was put to an Otis Redding classic, it lacked soul and passion. (Jose heads home on the elimination round, by the way.)
  • Look! It’s a Broadway routine where the partners are … actually partnered! *faints* What will they think of next? Way to go Lauren! You forced me to like Broadway for a moment!
  • And how could I not enjoy a piece mixed up to one of my most favorite and beloved tunes, “Fever,” despite being a gagtastic Beyoncé version?
  • Pair-ups for the night consisted of Kent and Jose performing another rarity — a second routine of the evening where contestants actually danced a Broadway number … together! *faints anew*
  • Lastly, Billy Bell and Robert. Doing Bollywood. *ugh* Hey … SYTYCD Powers That Be? Do us all a favor and toss this variant dance form out the freakin’ window. It’s got all the charm of a bag of hammers, and makes each and every contestant performing this style look like a bunch of amateurs.

Hmmmmmm … lookee there. I didn’t mention AdéChiké Torbert except for right here. He must not have thrilled me at all this episode, regardless of the fact that I like the cut of his jib.

Oh … and I believe Robert will be joining Jose in leaving us at elimination.

Photo Credit: FOX

8 Responses to “So You Think You Can Dance – The winner of the competition is clear”

July 29, 2010 at 12:24 PM

. . . . .

By the by: I forgot to thank Julia for picking up my slack while I was away ‘getting my geek on’ at Comic-Con last week.

You rock. Mucho thanks! *curtsies*

July 29, 2010 at 12:47 PM

I don’t watch this show, but we paused on it for maybe 5 minutes the other night (last night?) while the two dancers in your thumbnail danced. Then it went to the judges, who were super lame. They had no critique for the performance, and were just all “you’re so good, we’ve got nothing to say.” At that point, hubby got bored and flipped the channel.

So I’ve got no clue… are the dancers (or one of the dancers) in the image the one(s) you expect to win?

July 29, 2010 at 12:55 PM

still waiting for them to feature three dance styles that are largely ignored on this show. Tap, polka, and poll dancing. Maybe they’ll be on the unrated DVD release.

July 29, 2010 at 1:05 PM

. . . . .

“Poll dancing”, Luna Tick … ?!?!?

I wonder: Would that involve hanging chads and Al Gore choreography? *schweet*

Polka. I’m all over that when it rears its head …

July 29, 2010 at 6:14 PM

Billy is the best dancer by far but he won’t win because tv voters don’t like him.

Jose is really bad, he should be the first gone but I guess girls find him cute.

Robert and Kent are paired, both equally good but Kent is more outgoing. They should be top5.

Lauren, not so much, sorry but I disagree with you. I don’t find her that good or remarkable in any aspect of dancing but then again Sabra won a season, anything can happen.

Adechike, I don’t get what he is doing still here. I don’t like his style, he seems sooo forced to me.

Those are the top6 but both injured were top5 too… so yeah, it should have been injured #1, billy, kent , robert , injured #2 for me.

July 29, 2010 at 10:20 PM

. . . . .

Isn’t it a kick, Adrian how we all have these opinions about the various dancers on the show and we can debate about them to our hearts content?

I just don’t see Billy being the best dancer in the bunch. Oh … he’s good … he brings some interesting things to the table … but I don’t see the same passion in him that I do in Lauren.

We’ll see what happens going forward …

July 29, 2010 at 11:53 PM

I would just like to know if we are actually going to be able to vote for the bottom anytime soon? They should stop doing the bottom three and just have the people decide who wins the thing.

However it’s clear Kent, who I can’t stand, will win. People are nuts for him.

July 30, 2010 at 12:08 AM

. . . . .

It’s not clear to me, Oreo . . . . .

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