CliqueClack TV

The American Idol three ring circus

Rumors flying! Judges leaving! Chaos abounds! Ain't the off-season a whole bunch of fun?

I don’t know about you, but I’m having a rockin’ good time watching the cascade of frolickry spilling out the American Idol camp lately. It’s “Midnight Madness” over there.

With barely a month before filming begins for Season 10 of the series, the show is in chaos with the lunatics surely having taken over the asylum.

As of the writing of this piece, nothing has been confirmed outside of Ellen DeGeneres departure from the show. There’s still an “I” to be dotted and a “T” to be crossed concerning Kara Dio Guardi. Rumors are flying high Jennifer Lopez has landed a spot on the judge’s panel, but that has yet to be confirmed by Fox. Steven Tyler is supposedly being sought, but there has been nothing official from the FOX Powers That Be on him, either.

Look: There’s nothing but fun and games going on during the off-season as is evidence with this ratings juggernaut. Does anyone have any doubt American Idol will still be a huge hit when it premieres once more?  I don’t have any doubt of it. Everyone will be curious to see what today’s changes yield.

I mean … let’s look at the down and dirty: American Idol could lose 20% of its viewing audience and still trump any other show out there. That’s the momentum this show wields. Sure ratings have slumped – especially last year’s ratings – but it’s still a force to be reckoned with. And given all the hoopla currently, interest has been whipped into a froth-filled frenzy of activity unfolding right before our very eyes.

We’ll know what’s hitting the fan (possibly) when Fox parades out there network officials Monday at a scheduled TV press tour. Some sort of announcement will be revealed, but it might only be confirmation Nigel Lithgoe (currently panelling over at So You Think You Can Dance and who left a few years ago tussling with Simon Cowell) is returning to the show. Will we get any real meat and potatoes announcements? JLo’s position set in stone maybe? Something about Aerosmith’s front man coming aboard? Anything about the couple dozen celebrities and personalities floating ’round the rumor mill?

Of course, questions will no doubt be punctuated around American Idol’s ratings drop during the past season … the slide from the average 31.2 million during its peak to its current 24.9 million for Tuesday shows. What other surprises are in store, however? With filming to begin for the new season shortly, things need to motor along quickly. And, come Monday, the three ring circus will assuredly be running on all burners, full throttle.

So … may I offer my two cents as to a few considerations for the judge’s table?  How ’bout Gilbert Gottfried or Eddie Deezen? Those two should keep the censors busy and the controversy motoring along during the season.

I jest, of course. (Kinda.) But anything … any one, after all … will be infinitely better than what Ellen DeGeneres brought to the table this past year …

Photo Credit: FOX

4 Responses to “The American Idol three ring circus”

August 1, 2010 at 3:28 AM

I love Eddie Deezen in “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” and “1941”! LOL

August 1, 2010 at 11:53 AM

. . . . .

I just knew someone would be on board with my Eddie Deezen suggestion for the Idol panel … !!!

August 1, 2010 at 1:07 PM

If the ratings drop 20% more NCIS would beat the show every week besides maybe the finale.

I’m for firing all the judges and replacing them with three new ones.

August 2, 2010 at 12:00 AM

. . . . .

All I know is I will be watching 100% of the show to see what all the results muster up, present and future …

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