CliqueClack TV

True Blood – Eric Northman is the man … er … vampire

Russell, the Authority, Nan Flanagan, and politics that are the vampire world of 'True Blood' are a far greater story than most all of what we saw last year.

- Season 1, Episode 9 - "Everything is Broken"

True Blood’s third season is now in the home stretch. It is hard not to be a little disappointed when you realize that there are only three episodes left. This year has not been wrought with the ups and downs that was last season. Sure, I’ve grown bored of Sam’s family storyline, and am pretty freaked out by Franklin Mott, but these two annoyances are nothing compared to the Maenad and her merry acolytes. Russell, the Authority, Nan Flanagan, and politics that are the vampire world of True Blood are a far greater story than most all of what we saw last year.

Before we get going, sorry I missed last week’s episode. I just got the opportunity to catch the episode, and I can sum up my thoughts: Bill and Sookie bad. Bill and Jessica good. Eric’s revenge … very, very good.

Eric’s storyline has developed into the best thing on a great show. Hell, more directly, Eric has become the best thing about this very good show (That’s obviously not a knock against everyone else; he’s just that good). His thousand-year quest to exact his revenge is an incredibly compelling story, and now he’s got a “political mandate” to finish the job. But even when things were at their most dire, he still found a way to show both compassion and forethought in his protection of Pam. The maker/vampire relationship is so unique in True Blood’s particular vampire canon, something that makes Godric’s death so much more tragic.

It is hard to say that we’re seeing Nan Flanagan for the first time. Sure, she’s been a character on screen since Season One, but tonight is the first time she’s not been on a television show within a television show. The persona she displays while stumping for the Vampire Rights Amendment is considerably different from the bitch on wheels that we saw tonight. Though, is there a female vampire we’ve met yet that doesn’t fit that description? (Jessica does, but you just have to add the “in training” tag.)

I’m not sure who (though, on this show the better question is what) Holly is, but she is one hell of an interesting addition to the show. I know it is early yet, but she seems to be kind and caring, without agenda. As this is still Bon Temps, I’m sure we’ll eventually find out she’s just weaseled her way into town to eat something or someone.

Hoyt and Jessica … Hoyt and Summer. One is a great couple because of incredible chemistry, and the other is a great couple because … well hell, who doesn’t love a couple with a three foot height differential?

Russell’s diatribe at the end was odd to say the least (not nearly as odd as his conversation with Talbot’s blood-urn). I’m sure from his perspective, the word manifesto would be more appropriate. I found it a telling decision to finish on his speech to the public, and not the cliffhanger that was Bill almost telling Sookie what she really is.

Notes & Quotes

  • The pull in shot at the end of the teaser was completely unnecessary.
  • [Sookie turns on the light to find a dead werewolf] Yes, I suppose I should have mentioned that.” – Bill
  • Why did bill even need Sookie’s help in dumping the werewolf’s body?
  • Did not expect to see that much of the mysterious Authority, even if it was only their backs.
  • “I got ulcers so big, coffee’s coming out of my belly button.” – Andy
    “That even … possible?” – Jason
  • “But I tell you what, turns out our V addict is from HotShot, I’m calling in the FBI, the DEA, the ATF, the DOJ, and Blackwater and we’re gonna send that shit hole back into the slime it climbed out of!” – Andy
  • Why was Eric bleeding from the ears and nose when he woke?
  • “I wanted to meet the sick fuck who ordered the veggie burger … with bacon.” – Lafayette
  • “I was just curious to see if you’d actually do it.” – Jesus
  • Why do vampire soldiers need armor and automatic rifles?
  • “Listen you whiny little bitch, the only link between Sophie-Anne, Russell and the Magister is you.” – Nan, surprising me that anyone, even with the Authority’s backing, can say that to Eric Northman and live.
  • Who is the “they” feeding Franklin Mott his info?
  • And did “they” see coming the large can of whoop-ass Jason Stackhouse opened up on Mott?
  • “… because let’s face it. Eating people is a tough sell these days.” – Russell

Photo Credit: HBO

10 Responses to “True Blood – Eric Northman is the man … er … vampire”

August 16, 2010 at 9:49 AM

Why was Eric bleeding from the ears and nose when he woke?

He hadn’t slept during the day, so he had the “bleeds.”

Great review!

(Oh, and we also saw Nan Flanagan in her bitch mode in season 2, when she fired Godric)

August 16, 2010 at 11:09 AM

Eric was bleeding because he had been awake durng the day. It will cause vamps to bleed from the nose/ears/ mouth etc

August 16, 2010 at 11:17 AM

I had the same thought while Sookie was helping Bill move the werewolf’s body..”isn’t Bill super strong and wouldn’t he be able just to fling him out back all by himself?”

August 16, 2010 at 11:34 AM

yeah same reaction to the whole werewolf body thing. the more I see of Bill, the more I want to stake his dumb, lying ass.

August 16, 2010 at 11:33 AM

Eric was bleeding because he never slept.

August 16, 2010 at 8:59 PM

Why was Eric bleeding from the ears and nose when he woke?

Vampires get the ‘bleeds’ if they bypass sleeping during the daytime. Baby vampire can’t do it, even if they try their damndest (ie Jessica), they’ll just knock unconscious until the sun sets.

Older vamps like Eric can. But they’ll start to deteriorate, thus bleeding from every orifice. lol

In the books, Eric has a harder time doing this. But the show has him able to stay awake the whole time. Can’t remember if the ‘bleeds’ is part of the mythology in the books though.

Who is the “they” feeding Franklin Mott his info?

Probably the other vampires and weres living at Russel’s estate.

August 16, 2010 at 11:55 PM

I liked it better when I thought it was the voices in his head :)

August 17, 2010 at 12:16 PM

It’s been a while now since I’ve read the books, but I don’t remember “the bleeds” at all.

August 17, 2010 at 12:12 AM

Eric was bleeding from the ears and nose because he stayed awake through the daylight hours. We have seen this happen before, for example to Bill and Lorena when she was holding him captive in the hotel in season 2.

August 17, 2010 at 1:02 AM

Eric was bleeding because he actually hadn’t slept at all-it’s what happens when the vamps stay awake during the day. If you go back an episode or two, you’ll see that it was happening to him when he grabbed Hadley to have her deliver the message to Sookie and it happened to both he and Sophie Ann when Eric and Russell broke into her place to force her to marry Russell. :)

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