CliqueClack TV

Warehouse 13 – H. G. Wells as … Lara Croft?

Well well well.... It looks like we now know -- quite definitively -- that H. G. Wells had a nefarious plan in mind all along.

- Season 2, Episode 11 - "Buried"

Alright, maybe I’m going a bit too far saying that H.G’s actions are definitely evil-natured. H.G.’s obviously the one behind gaining access to Warehouse Two, though her intentions are more likely selfish than they are, at their core, bad. Otherwise, why would she apologize to Pete and Myka before shooting them?

One rather lame aspect of this episode, for me, was Myka’s vision in front of the Medusa. H.G. has a heartfelt vision of being reunited with her daughter; Pete has a vision of being with Kelly, who he professes his love to; and Myka … has a vision of an Americano and a nice Artie? If nothing else, that aspect of Myka was sadly pathetic. You mean to tell me Myka has nothing else worth loving or looking forward to in life besides gaining Artie’s approval? I sure hope the writers took note that they need to do some serious work on her next season.

Again, as for H. G. Wells, the only thing that’s going to get her leniency once she’s brought to justice is if she’s not actually the one behind the reactivation of Warehouse Two, and she instead simply took advantage of their situation once they were in. One flimsy theory I have is that Valda didn’t actually die in the fire, and is instead the one behind it all. Why do I have this theory? Two things: 1) you do not kill off Mark Sheppard so lamely, even if he did seemingly sacrifice himself for the rest of them, and 2) isn’t Mark Sheppard always playing a bad guy?

Photo Credit: Syfy

2 Responses to “Warehouse 13 – H. G. Wells as … Lara Croft?”

September 16, 2010 at 11:51 AM

It was tragic to see Mark Sheppard die in such a weak manner. He could have died saving someone else to become the one who dies. But if he comes back as bad I think it’ll be a bit disappointing. I kinda like him playing against type. Maybe they can play with it a little and tease us into thinking he is bad!

September 17, 2010 at 4:18 PM

how are h.g. and mika ever to get together now that she’s turned to the darkside again? and how cute are pete and vet girl!

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