CliqueClack TV

House and Cuddy: Will Huddy follow the path of Sam and Diane?

Everybody knows the names Sam Malone and Diane Chambers and Lisa Cuddy and Gregory House. Now that House is a Huddy, is House doomed to repeat Cheers' history?

Whoa, I know this dates me. But if you know your ’80s pop culture, I’m sure you’re right here with me. The great and long-running show Cheers featuring the troubled romance of bartender Sam and his flighty barmaid Diane is infamous. To be exact, the romance is infamous for killing the show’s ratings and appeal once the two stopped flirting and started dating. This is not news. However, TV shows haven’t stopped getting their flirty characters together, and now House is no exception. When last we saw House and Cuddy, she was picking him up off the bathroom floor and declaring her love for him (albeit in a very Mr. Darcy-proposes-to-Elizabeth-Bennett kind of way: “I love you. I wish I didn’t — but I do.”) Notice that, à la Han Solo in Empire Strikes Back, House did not say he loves her back. Typical.

So, why now? (The title of the Season 7 opener tonight is “Now What?”) Does hope spring eternal? Look what happened when Chase and Cameron got married. But that hasn’t stopped the writers from deciding [finally] to give House and Cuddy a shot. Relationships in real life are complicated and intricate, so why does television have such a hard time when characters finally get together? Is it because of the episode time constraints? (This is not a rhetorical question — I’m genuinely interested in puzzling this out). Despite a shaky history in television (Lois and Clark, anyone?), love endures (and wanes) repeatedly and thematically.

Despite the fact that I am a little nervous because of this dubious history of star-crossed television lovers, I worry because I care so much about these two characters. I would really like both House and Cuddy to find a little tenderness, a little happiness. Hopefully, the unpacking of what it means to love each other while working together will bring some of the best, most complicated, most emotionally tangled episodes yet.

And if Huddy doesn’t work, maybe Chirteen will….

Do you think Huddy is doomed before it begins?

Photo Credit: FOX

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4 Responses to “House and Cuddy: Will Huddy follow the path of Sam and Diane?”

September 20, 2010 at 4:40 PM

Ok “Huddy” is just plain wrong. House is his own entity. Even trying to make those two a single person is the wrong way to aproach this. The fun will come from the fact that House as well as Cuddy both have strong personalities and that, to me, just doesn’t mix with these silly tabloid paper one-name labels for famous couples. It will always be House and it will always be Cuddy and the struggle alone for the both of them to arrange with this extremel problem of being in love will be the root of all the fun and giggles in the coming episodes.

Besides, you wouldn’t even _dare_ calling them “Siane” or “Dam”.

End even if this all derails they can just add a Rebecca and go on for another seven years. Shelley Long left Cheers because she wanted to do other things, it’s not as if the whole concept of Sam and Diane bombed. So my other cirticism would be that the question you ask here is more if you can extend Lisa Edelstein’s contract.

September 20, 2010 at 5:01 PM

I don’t follow this BS that house has loved her for 20 years like the newer seasons try to get at. I have been watching season 1 and 2 and they have a caring-ness for each other even when they can’t stand each other, but that’s not love.

The show really needs to end this year, but it won’t, they will string out at least another season from the show even when all they have left for ideas is to hook people up together that don’t match at all (Foreman and 13).

September 20, 2010 at 7:54 PM

I think the problem is that we don’t feel sympathy for people who are happy, or who should be happy. If House is happy with Cuddy, suddenly I expect him to be nicer to people. When he’s nicer to people, he’s not as funny.

On the other hand, if House is not happy even though Cuddy loves him, I no longer feel the same sympathy for him because it’s like, “What more do you want, you bastard? You should be happy that this woman loves you so much, in spite of yourself.”

If he is happy with Cuddy, but continues to be an extreme jerk, again I will lose patience with him because what excuse do you have to be mean to people if you’re life is going great? He’s got so much going for him – a woman who loves him despite his flaws, a best friend who loves him despite his flaws, a job that he loves, plenty of money, flunkies at his beck and call… this guy should be extremely happy. And when you’re happy, you have no business bringing other people down.

So, in short, I think it’s going to be difficult moving forward because House will either be less funny or less sympathetic. Between those two options, I would prefer that he become less funny – because at least if he becomes a nicer, happier man, we will see character growth on his part. And I would like to see his cynicism shaken, if not shattered.

November 29, 2010 at 4:42 PM

house and Cuddy belong together and because the main characters coming together in other shows did not work out it does not mean that House and Cuddy relationship will fail.

I don’t beleive that House should change because his attuide makes him who he is and what makes him funny besides his lover Cuddy does not want him to change she said so in the begining of season 7 episode 1 “Now What?” She loves him just the way he is.

Although he has made a little change in the way he treats Cuddy and thats all that is important in that he shows her that he is trying to make the relationsip work.

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