CliqueClack TV

Dexter – Quinn lovers should be getting very nervous

Whenever someone gets closer to finding out Dexter's secret, it doesn't end well. Actor Desmond Harrington must be reading through each script with bated breath, knowing each new one might be his last.

- Season 5, Episode 2 - "Hello, Bandit"

I said this all throughout last season, and I’m going to start it up again right now: I fear for Quinn’s life. Actually, I don’t necessarily care if Quinn dies or not, though I’m already liking his character a little more this season. I just believe we’re seeing yet another Doakes situation going on, and what’s Dexter’s only choice going to be but to kill him when he gets too close? Add to this that we’re clearly seeing the setup for a long-time relationship between Deb and Quinn, and it’s going to make Dexter’s choice a bit more difficult.

What’s really going to be interesting to see is how Dexter steers clear of this whole Kyle Butler issue. As you saw in the composite (pictured above), the Mitchells still have a pretty clear recollection of what “Kyle” looks like, but will Quinn really make the connection and somehow put Dexter in front of the family for a positive ID? If Dexter is somehow asked to meet the Mitchells — and I have no idea how that would come about — Dexter would only have a few courses of action to take. One would be to get his face beat to hell before said meeting, enough so he’s too swollen to make out. That would really only buy Dexter a little time. Then the only other thing he could do is locate, frame and kill his own doppelganger … or all of the Mitchells. Or, I suppose, he could get to them first and convince them he was doing good, and that they should leave him alone. It’s fun to guess!

I really liked the moments when Dexter was eying the blood stain in the rental truck. It highlighted how good he is at his job … er, both “jobs,” I guess you could say. However, I would like Dexter to, for once, think something he discovers is going to lead to a suitable offering for his Dark Passenger, only to have it be nothing at all. In hindsight, that blood stain and what it led to with the CSI: Roadkill dude was highly convenient, even if it means the old Dex is back in business.

The story of Batista and LaGuerta continues to be one I have a hard time caring about. I guess it’s OK background material, but for the most part, for me, it gets in the way of everyone and everything else I care about on the show. Is it just me?

Photo Credit: Showtime

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