CliqueClack TV

Dexter’s fifth season is moving along at a snail’s pace

So far season five of 'Dexter' hasn't been all that thrilling. We're almost halfway through the season, so when is the good stuff really going to kick in?

- Season 5, Episode 5 - "First Blood"

Let me start this post off with the caveat that I tend to get grumpy about TV shows when I’m dealing with a head cold, and that may be why I’m going to be hard on Dexter this week. That said, so far I’m disappointed with the season. This episode, for instance, was really slow moving. Even without the head cold I’m sure I would have been nodding off a little. It felt like too much time was being spent on Dexter meeting with Lumen, and I just wanted it to be over already.

I will say, though, that it’s more than likely that the Lumen thing went on for so long because she’s going to make up for a much larger storyline this season. Right now the major story arc for season five isn’t as spelled out as it had been in previous seasons. Last season everyone knew it was going to be about Trinity. This season, so far, is a head-scratcher. Is the main story about Lumen? The people she leads Dexter to? Quinn uncovering Dexter’s secrets? Or maybe it’s all of the above? I just don’t know, and maybe that’s why I’m disappointed — I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel yet.

I feel Dexter made a huge mistake in revealing his real, full name to Lumen. As we move through each season, Dexter continues to make some very grave mistakes, and I can only imagine that it’s all going to lead to Dexter either getting caught or killed. There’s just no way this show could conclude with a question about what Dexter does next — whether he continues to feed his Dark Passenger or truly reforms himself. I have no idea how many seasons this show has left in it, but it certainly appears that the writers want to always keep Dexter on his toes and in danger. For how much longer can we accept his luck at not being caught?

I’m not at all saying I’m ready to see Dexter end, though I wouldn’t be unhappy with a plan that states the show will finish up in, say, one or two more seasons. I can’t imagine the raging anticipation fans will have for finally seeing what becomes of Dexter. It’s a strange situation really, because Dexter is that sort of character we love to watch, but do we really think he deserves not to ever be brought to justice? I get this is a fictional show, but think about it: who the hell cheers when a serial killer continues to elude capture? It’s entertaining to see how he does it and to see how far he can get, but does he deserve to live out his days free and with everyone unknowing?

Photo Credit: Showtime

Categories: | Dexter | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Dexter’s fifth season is moving along at a snail’s pace”

October 25, 2010 at 5:39 PM

I think this season is about Dexter’s unraveling. He is just a mess. There is a certain enjoyment and thrill to that, and I’m enjoying the season for that reason, among others.

November 2, 2010 at 6:26 AM

I quite like the way Dexter has gone over this season. The wrters said that they wanted to move away from their typical “One big serial killer arc” and move for something else where all the players and arcs seem small but eventually everything will fit together and mean something much more.

Rita’s death changed the formula for the show (sort of) and it’s interesting to see how everything will pan out.

As a huge fan of Dexter and hus work, I hope that our favourite dismemberer continues to elude capture, however for a realistic approach (and a more preferable one for discussion) I would like to have Dexter caught and given the chair…

Plus – I think given yesterdays episode, your review needs updating :D

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