CliqueClack TV

Supernatural – The truth hurts

A string of suicides leads the boys to a small town where something is compelling people to tell the harsh truths, whether they are wanted or not. That same spiritual truth serum soon finds its way into the growing rift between Sam and Dean.

- Season 6, Episode 6 - "You Can't Handle The Truth"

Finally, after weeks of hinting and teasing, it was time to get to the truth of the matter where Sam was concerned. Who is he? What is he? Just what is he after? From the moment we learned that people were being compelled to tell the truth, it sure looked like we were going to get all of those answers. Surely Dean would turn that power back on Sam to set things straight, right? As Lee Corso would say, “Not so fast my friend.”

The best part about the whole thing was the sudden realization that, after all of those people had to speak the truth to Dean (Bobby likes Tori. HA!), Sam could still lie to him. Yes, our answers disappeared into thin air in that moment, but the mystery just got so much better. Watching Sam lie right to Dean’s face, despite the power of Veritas, was such a creepy scene. And things only ratcheted up when Veritas (Serinda Swan) herself joined in. Her reaction to Sam’s truth, especially the “You’re not human!” bit, was very cool.

Suddenly all sorts of possibilities were in play. And really, they would have stayed in play even after Sam’s heartfelt confession. After all, was there really any reason to believe him this time? Unfortunately, the powers that be down at the promo department decided to spoil the whole thing in the preview for next week’s episode. I’ll leave it out here, in case you skipped it. Needless to say, a lot of the wilder speculation has gone out the window. Next week will bring the answers about just what Sam’s problem is, and start down the road to fixing it.

Even with the ill-advised preview, it was still a very good episode. Along with helping to move the bigger picture story along, Veritas made for a heck of a monster of the week. Wanting the truth opened the door for a little comedy, put the Dean/Lisa problem to rest (for now), and brought about a truly gruesome murder. Drilled to death … yikes! And, indirectly I suppose, we can give Veritas credit for one of the most shocking endings to an episode we’ve ever seen.

My guess is that we’ll have the real-deal-Sammy back in short order. And then attention can turn to the new biggest question in the Supernatural universe, “What the heck is Samuel up to?” As with Sam, I very much look forward to those answers.

Photo Credit: CW

5 Responses to “Supernatural – The truth hurts”

October 30, 2010 at 10:41 AM

I really enjoyed this episode too, and I’m glad there’s been more Bobby. VERY excited for next week! Anyone else really digging the episode titles this season? They’ve upped the clever there!

October 30, 2010 at 2:48 PM

An incredible episode!!! that scene in the dentist really creep me out, and seen Sam lie out cold, was very disturbing… did’t see the next week preview, so until then i will be wondering if Sam is really human Sam, or another kind of thing…

I’m really loving these season, any news about a future season 7 yet??? i really don’t want Supernatural to be over, and i think i heard that the guy’s contracts are for just these current season…

October 30, 2010 at 4:26 PM

I haven’t seen anything official about a 7th season, but it’s definitely a possibility. If Smallville does actually end this year, I could see Supernatural staying on Friday and being paired with something else.

October 30, 2010 at 5:31 PM

I don’t know if it is just me, but in that picture it looks a lot like Dean is threatening Sam with a Wii controller.

Good episode.

October 30, 2010 at 8:08 PM

I’m so ANGRY with myself for watching next week’s preview. I wish they hadn’t given it away considering the 6-episode build up. I loved the boys’ acting this episode- Sam’s coldness and Dean’s range of emotion from anger to pain. I loved the little pinch of Bobby-humor. Only complaint on my end is that I need more Castiel.

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