CliqueClack TV

Sarah really does love Chuck!

Did Chuck propose to Sarah? Did she accept? Well, it's complicated ... plus we'd be spoiling the hell out of things for you if we told you all that here!

- Season 4, Episode 11 - "Chuck Versus the Balcony"

Chuck returned tonight with a mission, a sub-mission and a counter-mission. The mission of retrieving the nano-chip, while technically the main mission was just subterfuge of sorts for the proposal sub-mission and then ultimately the traitor counter-mission. Everything revolved around the love and respect that Chuck and Sarah have for each other. This type of commitment is not seen enough on television.

From Chuck’s elaborate initial restaurant proposal to his canceling it because of Sarah’s past, and then trying to find the perfect time was predictable; but, in Chuck style, Sarah finds out and works with Morgan on her side to make it the perfect proposal for Chuck … and her. I was engrossed in that final balcony scene and didn’t see the shocking arrest coming. At first, I was disappointed that the perfect proposal was ruined. But, in the end, I was happy with the way it set up the continuation of the traitor counter-mission. Sarah is trying to give Chuck the ultimate gift — his mother back.

I’ve mentioned before how much I appreciate the growing friendship of Morgan and Casey. But, tonight it was clear that Casey has thrived as part of this close-knit team they have created. The first season, he never would have joined Morgan in watching the proposal, rather he would have complained it was an improper use of agency resources. It was especially touching to see him open up and tell Chuck his proposal story.

I adore this show. The missions are fun, the relationships genuine. I care about the characters and what happens to them.  Chuck is a rare show. Too bad more people don’t watch it.

Notes and Quotes:

  • The engagement ring … gorgeous!
  • Lester is from Canada? Ha! Lester meeting his potential wife was actually funny. I don’t usually enjoy his antics, but tonight it was funny rather than annoying.
  • “Casey is your manservant — let him ‘manserve’ you.” – Morgan to Chuck
  • “You, sir … wouldn’t know the difference between this and a glass of Two-Buck Chuck.” – French man to Chuck
    “First of all, I happen to like Two-Buck Chuck. Great bang for your buck. Second of all, you are danger close to becoming a walking cliche, sir.” – Chuck
  • Great fight scene between Chuck and the bad guys while not spilling a single drop of wine from the glass.
  • Morgan has seamlessly joined the CIA in a support role. I wasn’t sure how it would work, but it has and it is believable.
  • Sarah sneaking up on Morgan and wanting in on the proposal mission. Loved it!
  • “I am taking control of this operation now. Morgan, you will now be working for me.” … “We are going to make this proposal happen. For Chuck’s sake. And for mine.” – Sarah.
  • “… forget about the balcony, Bartowski. All you need is the girl.” – Casey

Photo Credit: NBC

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