CliqueClack TV

As all shows must, Bob’s Burgers will take the incidental trip up

There was a hint of "Do Shee Sushi" in the air on last night's show, but the occasional stutter step is to be expected. The Good News: Season 2 is securely in the bag.

- Season 1, Episode 10 - "Burger Wars"

There’s good news on the Bob’s Burgers front — another 13 episodes have been ordered. Season 2 is officially in the works. Fans of the show are celebrating in the streets mirthfully. (So I’ve heard.)

But, stymied by this news, there are those who still don’t get the show. Taken straight from the mouth of Bob’s landlord Mr. Fischoeder (voiced by Kevin Kline), he sums up what may be the key to understanding the etymology which codifies Bob’s Burgers:

“It’s complicated … it’s mystical … it’s barbaric …”

Okay. Fischoeder’s revelation might be a bit too vague. To the confused out there who scratch their heads while the glow of their local Fox affiliate beams out at them on a Sunday night, the program may be as incomprehensible as Bob’s formula for Meatsiah Burgers (above). But, believe me: to its aficionados, that quotation just might epitomize everything. It might be doing nothing but preaching to the choir.

To be fair, however, the half hour does have its stumbling blocks. This week’s airing was one of those bumps in the road. Sure, there was the usual spiffy interchange between the characters, and it had a promising concept, but — outside the quotations — it didn’t deliver a completely satisfying product. Here’s the opening premise of the episode:

In the end, the 22+ minutes left us with a weak story.

But I’ll take the occasional bumble. Because, overall, I know what I’m getting when I sidle up to the television on a Sunday night … and Bob’s Burgers usually delivers.

“Bob, when I die, I want you to cremate me … and throw my ashes in Tom Selleck‘s face.” — Lynda
(chuckling) “That’s a crazy request.” — Bob
“I get it.” — Gene

“Mom? Andy and Ollie are helping me with a school project. I’m going to need 15 potatoes … and a lock of hair from you and Dad. Also, rum and cigars if you have any.” — Louise
“Wait. What’s this for?” — Lynda
“English …” — Louise

Photo Credit: Fox

2 Responses to “As all shows must, Bob’s Burgers will take the incidental trip up”

April 11, 2011 at 5:24 PM

Yeah this episode really wasn’t the best but I have a feeling they’ll get some of the kinks worked out in season 2. They need to focus more on the kids, they really are the heart of the show and what make it so hilarious.

April 11, 2011 at 6:49 PM

. . . . .

Overall, Jon, each episode of the season has had its own distinct flavor … but the last one was a little rough on story.

But I have no worries. The writers are crankin’ along, showing their stuff and making the characters shine.

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