CliqueClack TV

Vampire Diaries – Who are we losing this season?

The refrain playing through my head throughout this episode of 'Vampire Diaries' was, "Don't kill Alaric ... don't kill Alaric ..." Is anyone safe on this crazy, fake-out filled show?

- Season 2, Episode 18 - "The Last Dance"

Everyone’s favorite history teacher has just blown me away. When Alaric first joined the series and we didn’t know if he was a good or evil character, Matt Davis played it well. Mysterious past, mysterious looks and a seething hatred for vampires. He sold it. Tonight, Davis’s on-screen resume just gained the equivalent of inventing Facebook with his convincing portrayal of Alaric possessed by Klaus. Loved every second of that, from telling Katherine to repeatedly stab herself, to the look on his face when he sees Elena in class, to fighting Bonnie. Well done.

However, I need to broach the subject of adult impropriety on The Vampire Diaries. When AlariKlaus was dancing all creepy and sexy through the gym full of his students — his students! — I couldn’t help but think of the equally inappropriate Will Schuester of Glee infamy. Stop gyrating amongst the teens, gentlemen. Then, Damon dirty dancing with pretty much everyone at the dance? Sure, they were smiling, but he’s the kind of dirty creep my friends and I would all be talking about: “What’s the old guy doing hanging out at high school events all of the time? What a perv….”

But the perv had his moments tonight, plotting with Bonnie for her not-death, throwing the fact that he saved Elena’s life (again) in Stefan’s face and delivering the heartbreaking line to Elena: “I will always choose you.” And you’ve got to love Elena teasing him that she wasn’t going to invite him back into his own  house.

Have we visited this theory before? Forgive me if we have, but it felt an awful lot like I had an epiphany this evening. When it struck me that there is probably no way that Bonnie will be allowed to kill Klaus, my thoughts drifted to werewolves, and how werewolf bites kill vampires. So … when Tyler gets back, he could totally redeem himself and kill Klaus for the gang, right? Do we know if a werewolf bite can kill an original? I feel like Elijah touched upon this at one point, but my brain hasn’t held onto the specifics. I do, however, stand by my theory that I know the cure for a werewolf bite.

This and that:

  • That was really a tacky bit of product placement with the MiFi. Usually product placement doesn’t really bother me, and it’s actually a nice way for advertising to go when you think about it — I’m all for less ads (though VD is not in the less ads category). But Jeremy’s line, “If we’re going to be stuck down here, we can at least have internet,” was seriously out of place. Um, Bonnie was just resurrected and you’re thinking about internet access?
  • Caroline looked so cute as Jackie O. — how could Matt not want to smooch her?
  • Did anyone get the feeling that Matt was like Xander in “The Zeppo”? The whole Scooby gang is running around, trying to save the world (or Elena at least) and Xander / Matt is completely left out in the dark, for his own protection, of course. Oh, and he’s got his own thing going on, right under their noses.
  • Oh, look, a ’60s dance … add this to the other fun and frolicking community events that serve as an excuse to get the entire cast of the show into  one place: Founder’s Day, carnival, town cleanup day. …
  • Did I look away from my screen for a moment and miss something? After Bonnie “died,” where did AlariKlaus go? I didn’t see him leave but he clearly was gone.
  • Oh, we knew that knife was coming out of Elijah sooner or later. …


Photo Credit: Annette Brown/The CW

3 Responses to “Vampire Diaries – Who are we losing this season?”

April 14, 2011 at 10:31 PM

I was surprised at how Bonnie was saved and maybe disappointed (can’t decide). I thought that Damon had her drink some of his blood just in case she did die. How fun would it be to have a witch vampire?

I liked the episode, but it was hyped up too much this week. It sets up such high expectations that rarely are met.

April 15, 2011 at 8:22 AM

I thought the same thing, Carla. I was convinced that when Damon made Stefan take Elena back home, that he was going to turn Bonnie. I guess being out of touch and missing all the hype works for me! ;-)

April 17, 2011 at 12:03 PM

AlariKlaus dancing didn’t skeev me out as much as Will and the way he interacts with his students, perhaps because I know the real teacher wouldn’t act that creepy. A possessed teacher, I get. The ones that are kinda gross are the students who were willing to dance with him..eww.

For Damon dancing, I don’t know if it’s quite as far as the “creepy, older guy.” He’s Stefan’s older brother…we know he’s supposed to be out of high school, but how much older is he considered to be? 20? 25? 30? I think that makes a difference. I could totally see a 20-21 year old dancing with 17-18 year olds at a high school dance and not be grossed out by it.

I was more bothered by the fact that they were playing modern music at a “60s dance.” :)

I knew Bonnie wasn’t dead, but I couldn’t figure out how she was saved on my own. Overall, solid episode. I love that there are really no filler episodes on TVD…every show has a huge reveal, and they don’t drag things out. (Except an Elena/Damon hook up, of course.)

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