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True Blood – Can Eric really be this adorable?

This season of 'True Blood' is overflowing with new mystical creatures with faeries, witches, panthers, and more. How much more can the town of Bon Temps handle?

- Season 4, Episode 3 - "If You Love Me, Why Am I Dyin'"

I have mixed feelings about this season of True Blood, which is how I’ve felt about the last two seasons as well. There are storylines that I enjoy and then others that I just can’t stand. Oftentimes, I wonder why I still watch the show if I dislike parts of it and then come back to the fact that overall, I enjoy it. I also hope that eventually I will like all of it. It’s almost as if the good has to come with the bad.

This season, Lafayette is no fun; I don’t like him, Jesus and especially the coven. As much as I don’t like them, I’m loving the new Eric. Unfortunately without the coven, there isn’t a new Eric — the good with the bad. This memory-less Eric is yummy. I can’t believe I just wrote that, but it is true. He is adorable, sexy, funny, and just a thrill to watch. The old Eric was somewhat predictable, but no longer. I have no idea what is going to come out of his mouth next or what he is going to do.  While I always believed his affection for Sookie was real, now it is clear that he genuinely cares for her.

Though, Alcide looked pretty darn good tonight, even with his shirt on. I was surprised to see Debbie, because I thought she was killed last season and remember being happy about that. She was an annoying character, so it was disappointing to see she’s back with Alcide. He deserves someone better than her. I’d love to see an Eric, Alcide and Sookie love triangle, because it would be a roller coaster of a ride watching Sookie decide between them. Just keep Bill far, far away from Sookie. If they never share another scene together, it would be fine with me.

While I don’t want Bill anywhere near Sookie, I’m still finding him interesting this season. King Bill works for him. Unlike Russell, Bill keeps his power in check by balancing it with humanity. I wasn’t particularly interested in vampire politics with Russell and Sophie Ann in charge, but Bill and Nan bring a different perspective that I’m looking forward to seeing play out.

If the vampires would just wipe out the witches’ coven and the panther posse, the show would be so much better. At least, it looks like Eric got rid of the scary faeries!

True Blood  quotes and notes:

  • “I know I’m a vampire, Snookie.” — Eric
  • is a real website. Check it out.
  • “Yeah, because Eric tasted me.”  — Sookie
    ” I did?” — Eric
    “Yeah. Against my will, so technically, you fang-raped me.” — Sookie
    “Oh. Sorry.” — Eric
  • What the heck is up with that old creepy doll? And, to give it to the creepy baby? Not a good idea.
  • The scene between Sookie and Eric in his cubby was my favorite of the night. I really enjoy this new Eric with Sookie. So adorable.
  • I enjoyed the Sam and Tara moments. I wouldn’t mind seeing them get back together.
  • What is going on with Maxine and Tommy? Still don’t understand that relationship at all.
  • “You have 24 hours to bring her to me, or I’ll eat, fuck and kill each and every single one of you.” — Pam
  • Nice touch Sookie reading a Charlaine Harris book at the table.
  • “You just killed my Faerie-Godmother!” – Sookie
Photo Credit: HBO

One Response to “True Blood – Can Eric really be this adorable?”

July 11, 2011 at 9:23 PM

See, this is the best part of the books, it’s still diferent, but it’s working!!! :)

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