CliqueClack TV

Weeds – It’s bad enough for mother and daughter to share clothing!

I’m not judging anybody here, but did I hear correctly that Nancy borrowed Silas’ jeans? I’m not sure who that’s more frightening for … the forty year-old woman who can wear her twenty year-old son's pants, or the kid who’s the same size as his scary-skinny mom!

- Season 7, Episode 3 - "Game-Played"

I guess it doesn’t come as a real surprise, but Nancy totally lives in her own little world on Weeds, doesn’t she? That’s not unique to this season, although I have to imagine that her current predicament does lend itself to reinforcing her living in her own world.

But there was something about her on last night’s episode … I’m not sure if it was most obvious when she was sitting and talking with Shane and Andy at the halfway house, or if it wasn’t until later when she was “out on job interviews.” We may need to talk this one through from the beginning.

I’d expect nothing less from Nancy than her taking notes on how to enhance her own drug business in drug class. And it makes sense that she’d ask Andy to do the legwork … she isn’t really in a position to sit in one spot and wait for a dealer to roll up. So maybe it was the way she dropped the project on Andy, without so much as asking him how he’d been for the last three years, or thanking him for keeping her kids safe. That’s Nancy, but has she always been that disconnected from everything else that’s going on around her?

What she did manage to process is that Jill’s looking to gain custody of Stevie. Pretty gutsy of Jill, I have to say. What are the chances that she can pull it off? And isn’t Andy still listed as Stevie’s father? But then, would Stevie stand a better chance in life with Jill? Can you weigh that against taking him from his mother? At least Nancy seems to care about him.

The worst was her scene with Silas. Returning home from a rather degrading modeling job where, if not for Andy cutting open the ball — seemingly the whole point of the exhibit — he could have been in serious trouble, Silas found Nancy hiding her latest stash of weed. Silas seems like he’s back in the weed business, but that’s the least of Nancy’s problems. Is that really were she and Silas have come to in their relationship? For sure it’s all her fault … isn’t she embarrassed?

Nancy did have two classic moments. The first was when she told Andy what she’d learned in prison: “Try again, fail better.” The second? Mistakenly calling out Zoya’s name when she was with Zoya’s brother, Dmitri (Pablo Schreiber). Priceless!

I think everyone else’s story could actually be pretty fun to watch unfold this season. Shane’s looking to gain admission to City College on Nancy’s suggestion that he go back to school — I love that he’d get in because the school’s Icelandic quota is lacking — and he’s clearly planning to game the student loan system.

Meanwhile, Doug found himself with a cushy job on Wall Street as an accountant. Has he really not been the equivalent of disbarred from practicing? And is it possible that a boutique Wall Street firm would bring in someone like Doug for his softball skills? I think I’d kind of feel badly for Doug if that’s the only reason he’s there, despite the fact that most of what’s befallen him in life is his own fault. But I loved the orange jacket. Talk about making a statement!

So yeah, Nancy’s spinning off the face of the Earth. And I’m not quite sure where anyone else is headed — is Andy really about to get mixed up with Maxeen (Lindsay Sloane)? — but the Botwins are looking to fill a drug supply vacuum in Northern Manhattan … how could that not end well?

Weeds Who smuggles weed from Afghanistan? [51AOb75rRbL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Weeds Who smuggles weed from Afghanistan? [51DzCXSyjYL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Weeds Who smuggles weed from Afghanistan? [51w5LJ2EsLL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)

Photo Credit: Showtime

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows | Weeds |

One Response to “Weeds – It’s bad enough for mother and daughter to share clothing!”

July 17, 2011 at 11:50 AM

I used to really love Nancy’s character, but I’m finding it more and more difficult to pull for her. She just keeps on making stupid, stupid (did I say stupid?) decisions. I mean, at the point she is at, after having her entire life/world as she knew it destroyed in every way, why does she keep getting involved in high-risk illegal activity? And its not like she just accidentally falls into it (maybe due to surroundings/people), she actively seeks it out. I suppose you could say that she has nothing much left to lose at this point, but then why is she also concerned about Stevie? Nevermind, she’ll probably just steal him somehow. At least she will be selling weed again, true to the title. Sorry bout the rant. I’m loving the new New York setting and I’m really interested in all the other characters’ plots. It finally feels like Doug might get some quality screen time, I feel like his character has been “tacked on” the last couple of seasons…

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