In this week’s episode of Modern Family entitled “Aunt Mommy,” Claire and Phil did a little bit of celebratory overindulging in drinks with Mitch and Cam, which led to a bit of awkward but hilarious “over-sharing” as well.
Whether it’s accidentally telling that co-worker you can’t stand how you feel about them at the office party, or letting that attractive brunette at the bar know you’re into them, hasn’t everyone at some point accidentally shared too much information with a complete stranger or a close acquaintance as a result of overindulging? Go on, admit it. I’ll bet you have.
As I feel my 20s drawing to a close with the impending doom known as my 30th birthday approaching on March 2, I know I can look back at some of the colorful moments of my inebriated youth and realize I, too, have had my share of “over-share” moments. In an instant I see my younger self, hair blowing in a sultry summer night’s breeze standing outside of a Steak ‘N’ Shake after an eventful night at the bar, drunkenly blurting out my feelings of unreciprocated infatuation over a friend of a friend I barely knew. “Over-sharing” doesn’t make us bad people, does it? Rather, I believe it proves we are human and thus we are capable of making mistakes.
But all personal “over-sharing” aside, this episode was brilliant for several reasons. First, I loved all the flashbacks as the four of them tried to piece together their conversation of the night before. Secondly, I loved how they all reacted at seeing each other the next day after the realizations had fully hit.
Phil: “I vaguely remember someone crying…” (Flashback to Phil crying and drunkenly blubbering to Cam and Mitch: “It’s not fair. I love you both so much. If you could have a baby that was a mix of the two of you, I would love that baby so much!”
Although the idea of Claire donating an egg to be combined with Cam’s sperm initially sounds a little creepy when you consider it (especially with the “Aunt Mommy” scenario voiced by Mitch), I think most of America would’ve loved that baby, too. Imagine combining Cam’s sassiness and open honesty with Claire’s fierce determination to succeed at all costs. That baby probably would’ve been a virtually unstoppable inferno. He or she could’ve been President, or at the very least, given that little spitfire Lily a run for her money.
I also enjoyed the fact that Cam crossed himself with Justin Timberlake to see what their baby would look like out of curiosity. If you could make a baby with any celebrity, who would you choose and why? Personally, I’m holding out for John Cusack.
Other stand-out quotes from the episode: