CliqueClack TV

Hell’s Kitchen – Was anyone eliminated?

The last of the double doses of 'Hell's Kitchen' kicked off on FOX tonight. Did you see who went home?

- Season 10, Episode 5 - "14 Chefs Compete"

No. You didn’t see who went home on Hell’s Kitchen in this episode, because it’s being continued tomorrow night. But I can certainly tell you my pick between those that are up for elimination. Danielle. Yep. She’s going to get de-coated Tuesday night for one simple, yet terrifying reason. The fact that she served raw pork. And not once but twice!

If you know My Gordon as well as I do (and that’s really not possible), then you are aware of the fact that it’s the most offensive thing you can do to him. Yes. There’s a lot of things this man hates. I mean, golly. That’s why he screams all the time. But attempting to serve diners under cooked meat is at the very top of his very long list.

He even called it “The Ultimate Insult” during his rant after Danielle put the meat up for his inspection the first time. It sends him to Mars and back. And frankly, I don’t blame him.

The reasoning? It’s simple. You see the warnings on restaurant menus all the time. Consuming raw meats can put you on the Salmonella Highway which dead ends, if you get my meaning. And it’s totally preventable. If you can cook correctly.

Which all of the contestants on this show should be able to do. I’ve mentioned before that each of them brag executive or sous chef or somesuch titles. Granted, they have to eyeball it and not use a thermometer (lookin’ at you, Barbie), but this shouldn’t be that big of a problem. They’ve presumably prepared meat a million times at this point. Right? Right.

Look. I can see making mistakes. The camera is on, My Gordon is on one of his rolls, it’s hot and the pressure is intense. And Le Chef Hawt did let Danielle have a second chance. But she did it again.

That’s why she’s history tomorrow.

Other Thoughts While Eating Butter Parm Noodles and Watching:

Kimmie on the Red Team? Woah. She scares me. She’s so big and loud and talks about “bitches and the hood” all the time. I’d give her a wide berth if I were in Hell’s Kitchen. Then again, if I were in HK, I’d be eliminated by now as I’m dreadful around stoves. Too many buttons.

Everyone competing needs to dispel with the infighting and ridiculous drama and just get to the business at hand. What is the matter with these people? Is the need to be right in some stupid argument worth more than becoming a head chef in a Ramsay restaurant? (Yes, yes. I know. Ratings. But wouldn’t it be refreshing if just one season of HK contained a group of super talented people going neck and neck for this prize? Huh? Wouldn’t it??)

I don’t think I’ve seen My Gordon so upset in eons. I realize he gets upset constantly, but I saw real frustration this week. When he said he didn’t care if the lot of them went home? I truly believed him. He needs me to tuck him in and read him a story.

Barbie and Patrick are being set up by their teams. Neither deserved to be put up, based on tonight’s service. Gordon’s putting a lot of stress on Patrick as his early favorite that is disappointing him. I like the guy, and hope he can bounce back.

Finally … did I seriously see Gordon put his fingers all over that tuna, decide to send it out and then lick said fingers? I think I did. And while I found it rather titillating to think of eating something actually touched by him? I don’t think everyone would agree.

I sure hope my local cook at the Coney place doesn’t do that. Blech.

So … who do you think deserves to get the steak knife in the ribs? Tell me!

Photo Credit: FOX

4 Responses to “Hell’s Kitchen – Was anyone eliminated?”

June 19, 2012 at 1:27 AM

. . . . .

You know … we never did see Patrick in the promo for Tuesday night …


June 19, 2012 at 10:12 AM

Nooooooooo! Gordon would be insane to let him go.

June 19, 2012 at 4:09 PM

Ruby’s right. He’s one of the only ones with a brain. He’s not goin’ anywhere Michael. It’s “Raw Pork Girl.”
Betcha a kazillion dollars.

June 19, 2012 at 8:19 PM

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