CliqueClack TV

Big Brother – Willie upholds the Hantz name

Willie Hantz stayed true to his family name, showed his true colors, alienated everyone in the house, assaulted Joe, and got kicked out. And some other stuff happened too.

- Season 14, Episode 5

Willie is removed from "Big Brother"

Okay, CBS, have we finally had enough of the Hantz family now? The “original” Hantz, Russell, has been on Survivor a couple of times and has demonstrated nothing but a lack of tact, never understanding that being a bully will never win you the game. Then you had to put nephew Brandon on Survivor, with the mission to clear the family name … and while he wasn’t a bully, he did go a little nuts towards the end, alienating everyone on the island. This season, we get Russell’s brother Willie on Big Brother, and he actually seemed kind of okay when the game started. He got a little power hungry after Britney handed him the first HOH of the season, he burned a few bridges already with how he turned on Frank, but he still didn’t demonstrate any awful behavior like those who came before him. Well, that didn’t last long.

If you check out the spoiler post that went up the other night, there’s a pretty explicit blow-by-blow description of what happened the night Willie blew up. We only got to see a tiny bit of Willie’s behavior — a little name calling and a small part of the altercation between him and Joe in the bathroom (the HGs have said that Willie hit Joe at least four times), but none of the really bad language directed toward Janelle, or the pork rind throwing incident — before he was called into the Diary Room and escorted out, leaving the rest of the house to wonder what was happening. We also heard the voice of producer Alison Grodner tell the HGs that violence is not tolerated, Willie has been removed from the game, and the game will continue. And with that, I hope the rumor Russell has been trying to spread (that he and Evel Dick will be a team on The Amazing Race) does not come to pass, and that this is the last Hantz we’ll have to see on our favorite reality competition shows. Good riddance!

Unfortunately, Willie’s actions during the week have had the effect of putting the rest of Britney’s team squarely in the crosshairs, which totally isn’t fair to either Shane or JoJo. Britney did try to stand up for him earlier in the week, but when it was clear Willie was going to do what Willie was going to do, she cut him off and advised Shane and JoJo to avoid him so it didn’t look like they were supporting him. After Janelle’s victory in the Coaches Competition — and how great was it to see Boogie think he won when he totally screwed up at the end — she saved her own team member Ashley and got to choose the four HGs who would be Have Nots. It really wasn’t fair this week, because last week the winner had to pick one member from each team. This time, there were no restrictions so Janelle showed her true colors (she already told Britney she had to pull out of their alliance because of Willie) and nominated Willie, Shane and JoJo and then put Ian on slop again! I’ve always been a big Janelle fan, but that move totally knocked her down a few notches in my book. Why punish Britney’s entire team for one person’s behavior, and why put the poor nerdy guy on slop for another week? Well, at least he gets to have pudding too.

All of this drama with Willie, however, left the episode without nominations (if you want to know who is nominated and who won the Power of Veto, there will be a spoiler hidden at the end of the article). Willie’s departure leaves us with some questions though. Will there be an eviction this week? The game is going to be short of players if they lose two in one week … or there won’t be a double eviction later on down the road. Or, will an evicted player be brought back into the game? It’s possible that after the third live eviction show, the four evicted House Guests (including Jodi) could be brought back to play for a chance to come back into the house. Or will Britney’s premonition come true and the coaches will enter the game as players? It’s hard to say, because as Julie Chen always tells us, “Expect the unexpected.”

Other highlights of this episode:

  • Janelle told her team to vote Kara out just so Frank and Willie would be at odds this week, taking the spotlight off of them. Boogie wanted the same thing.
  • Dan tells Danielle to start making friends with Janelle’s team, setting herself up as an extra vote for them if they need it.
  • JoJo tried to kiss up to Frank after the eviction to keep herself safe.
  • We have a Showmance! Shane and Danielle have started the flirting stages … and Danielle says it’s real.
  • Boogie and Dan try to convince Britney to keep Willie on her team if she should win the Coaches Competition, with the threat that if she traded him they would target her next strongest player, Shane. Britney was having none of it.
  • We have another Showmance! Sort of. Ian likes Ashley and invited her on a Slop Date. It went well even though she had no idea what he was talking about most of the time.
  • Britney almost won the Coaches Competition, but got too frantic and knocked some money blocks on the ground.
  • America’s Choice for the Have Nots was Pudding and Pork Rinds.
  • The nominees this week are

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    Shane and JoJo.

  • The winner of the Power of Veto is

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Photo Credit: CBS

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