CliqueClack TV

Annie Wu

Twitter: anniew
Bio: Annie is a blogger, illustrator, designer and generally pretty busy. Her work can be seen on CliqueClack,TV Squad and her arty pursuits are documented on her art blog (caution: Self-loathing and surly, leggy women ahead).

Posts by Annie Wu

Daily Show/Colbert Report – Week of Nov. 3, 2008

Hey, kids! It’s time for a quick round-up of highlights from this week’s episodes of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart and the rest of TDS‘s gang did live coverage on election night. Don’t know if you heard, but it was historic. The spectacular was actually only moderately spectacular but […]

Daily Show/Colbert Report – Week of Oct. 27, 2008

Hey, kids! It’s time for a quick round-up of highlights from this week’s episodes of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. For the love of all things good and holy, is the election over yet? It’s super-close, but it still feels so far away. Remember that Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert will be hosting […]

Daily Show/Colbert Report – Week of October 20, 2008

Hey, kids! It’s time for a quick round-up of highlights from this week’s episodes of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. Can you feel the pressure building as November 4th draws nearer and nearer? I haven’t seen this much tension between audiences and TV since I last saw Videodrome. Points if you know what […]

Daily Show/Colbert Report – Week of October 13, 2008

Hey, kids! It’s time for a quick round-up of highlights from this week’s episodes of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. Question: Could we bump the date of the election a little earlier just so we can get it over with? Actually, while we’re at it, let’s just get rid of that economic crisis. […]

Dr. Horrible’s Felicia Day moonlights for Sears

Commercials are the great equalizer, aren’t they? You may like a particular actor, for instance, and think that they’re having a great career. Then they pop up in an ad, and you realize that most of them are struggling along just like the rest of us. Take the case of our favorite Twitterer, Felicia Day. […]

Project Runway – Finale Part II

(Season 5, Episode 14 – Season Finale) It’s been a crazy ride, folks, but we’re finally at the end. This season has been unusually torturous, leaving me to wonder if Project Runway is worth pursuing anymore. There was a time when I would staunchly defend the show and force naysayers to change their mind after […]

Project Runway – Finale Part I

(Season 5, Episode 13) To be quite honest, I’ve been waiting for this season to end since the very first episode. Sure, my negativity has probably tainted most of my reviews, but there has always been this underlying hope that the episodes will get better once the worst designers are weeded out. And by “hope,” […]

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