CliqueClack TV

Jen Creer


Posts by Jen Creer

House spoilers abound – if you don’t like spoilers or virgin vampires, skip this

I am not going to post any spoilers in the first paragraph of this post, just in case your eye strays. You’ll have to read the full entry if you want the goods. And if you do read the entire post? Please don’t complain that there are spoilers because THERE ARE SPOILERS ABOUT HOUSE IN […]

Trust Me – Is it okay to read your kids’ letters?

For a show with a name like Trust Me, the lead characters, Conner and Mason, were certainly guilty of violating trust this week in “Odd Man Out.” Mason’s 15-year-old daughter is having boy trouble. Mason’s younger son tells his parents that Haley’s long-time friend Steve has broken up with her, leading to a Haley’s broken […]

House is recycling old themes again with new cats

One of the disadvantages of watching House from the beginning of Season 1, as I have been doing with friends all winter, is that you start to recognize when the storylines are being recycled. In “Here Kitty,” Kutner approaches Taub, who is ill-humored, and says that Taub should confide in him because they are friends. […]

Big Love – the Mormon temple endowment ceremony isn’t what they got wrong

As I said in a recent post, about Big Love, even though I was raised Mormon, I still don’t know what occurs in the temple endowment ceremony. From what I’ve read about Mormon reactions to the “Outer Darkness” episode, people seemed to think that the details were accurate, but the lack of context makes what […]

Will Big Love reveal Mormon temple ceremony secrets?

I was raised in the Mormon Church. I was baptized and attended Brigham Young University for two years. I have entered Mormon temples to be sealed to my parents and brother. I have performed baptisms for the dead. However, I never took part in the endowment ceremony that is going to be depicted on Big […]

Do straight men like Rick Castle too?

The whole time I was watching the premiere of Castle, I was comparing it to Lie to Me. Lie to Me has become my new NOT favorite show, the show I now dread, the show I pick at because I have ceased to hope that I will like it. I realize that I am tasting […]

Oh goody, we get to analyze Wilson for a change

One of the Hallmarks of House, which also makes it ever so slightly annoying sometimes, is that most of the episodes center on somebody trying to psychoanalyze House. It’s either Cuddy, Wilson, one of his team, or a patient who has just met him yet delivers a cogent, perfectly formed two-bit analysis of how House […]

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