CliqueClack TV

Rachel Blum-Jose

Twitter: Leftovereater
Google Profile
Bio: Rachel's obsessions include (in no particular order): running, television, black and white cookies, piano, good coffee, craft beer, a cappella music, pizza, writing, and sangria. Even better when experienced in the same day. She's bad at updating blogs and baby books, and tries not to feel too guilty about it.

Posts by Rachel Blum-Jose

Is anybody watching Traffic Light?

I stopped reviewing ‘Traffic Light’ because I really dislike it. Now I’m wondering if there are people out there who are enjoying it. Reveal yourselves!

Poll: What’s your favorite HGTV guilty pleasure show?

Sometimes, there’s nothing better than sitting on the couch and watching HGTV all day. These real estate and home improvement shows usually make us feel worse about our own homes … but we still watch (or we mock those who do). Vote on your favorite HGTV show in our poll!

Pretty Little Liars – That’s it, I’m never going in a haunted house ever again

Spencer? You’re my hero. Not only because you endured a trauma tonight, but also because you defied your stuffy family by planting a big wet one on someone right in front of them! When there’s a festival involved, big things happen.

The best Friday night dinner ever — CliqueClack Flashback

While watching a rerun of ‘Gilmore Girls’ – one of my favorite shows ever – I was thrilled to see my favorite scene of the entire series: the mother of all Friday night dinner fights. Perhaps, if you’re a fan of the show, you loved it as much as I did.

Say no to the (reality) show

Another wedding show on TLC with Randy? It’s reality overload! Here I discuss, along with the help of some other CliqueClack writers, the overabundance of wedding shows – and other shows within this category. Which are guilty pleasures, and which are just overkill?

Pretty Little Liars – The blind leading the blonde

We should have known that nobody is without secrets! What information was that owl holding? And is Caleb’s misstep forgivable? I can’t wait until all these plot lines come together in the finale.

Ten things I miss about Gossip Girl – Open Letter

I’ve loved reviewing the CW’s ‘Gossip Girl’, but I can’t help feeling a bit nostalgic about the way the show used to be. Join me as I present an open letter to creators Schwartz and Savage to whine about what I miss.

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