CliqueClack TV

Rachel Blum-Jose

Twitter: Leftovereater
Google Profile
Bio: Rachel's obsessions include (in no particular order): running, television, black and white cookies, piano, good coffee, craft beer, a cappella music, pizza, writing, and sangria. Even better when experienced in the same day. She's bad at updating blogs and baby books, and tries not to feel too guilty about it.

Posts by Rachel Blum-Jose

Happy Endings’ Max: not “gay enough?”

People are talking about Max, the openly, yet not stereotypically, gay character on ‘Happy Endings.’ While some viewers find his personality refreshing, others say he’s “not gay enough.” What do you think?

Pretty Little Liars – The origin of ‘A’

This special Halloween episode of ‘Pretty Little Liars’ had so much going on! How will I ever talk about it all? I know — here’s a list of my top ten favorite moments of the episode.

Happy Endings — Be my little (egg) baby

It’s all about the babies this week on ‘Happy Endings’ – though not in the traditional sense. So which is more immature: high schoolers wearing onesies, or a grown woman stalking an egg baby?

Happy Endings needs to live up to its first season

After a very strong first season, ABC’s ‘Happy Endings’ has set the standards pretty high. Did the season premiere succeed in living up to them?

Pretty Little Liars finale: A is the ultimate frenemy

In the chilling Season 2 finale of ‘Pretty Little Liars,’ A blackmails the girls to take some life-altering risks in order to save Dr. Sullivan … the last of which lands them in jail. How will they prove their innocence?

Happy Endings – Is there such thing as a ‘Cool Boss?’

In this bonus episode of ‘Happy Endings,’ Max and Brad create their own reality show based on Penny’s butt-dialing, Jane feels threatened by Alex, and a lacrosse coach gives Dave gets a few pointers.

Dr. Sullivan gets a taste of A’s medicine on Pretty Little Liars

As soon as I heard Dr. Sullivan say “I know who A is,” I knew she’d be in trouble. Will our questions be answered in next week’s summer finale? God, I hope so.

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