CliqueClack TV

News, reviews and posts for NBC's 30 Rock

Latest episode clacks for this show:

30 Rock – Green week: intrusive, hilarious

Shows must hate being on NBC. It’s not enough that nobody actually watches the shows on NBC, but then the bigwigs force their programs into these silly theme weeks. A month ago, all their shows were about volunteering, and this week they featured stories about going green. Certainly these are altruistic causes, and they don’t […]

by Bob Degon

Is sitcom quality limited by a finite amount of available humor?

Or, put another way, is there only so much funny out there in TV land that if another success story shows up, or something already on the air gets better, everything else is destined to get worse? Maybe it’s that as individual viewers we’re only allotted so much laughing in a week. I don’t know […]

by Aryeh S.

Ratings Clack – Should FOX switch Fringe and Lie To Me?

After the dramatic entrance of V last week, there were no similar big splash stories to lead things off this week. Then, as I was perusing the year-ago numbers, something occurred to me. It’s quite possible that FOX could improve both Monday and Thursday at 9:00 if they swapped Fringe and Lie To Me. If […]

by Brett Love

Quotation Marks – Canadians, vegans, vampires, and Gordon Stoltski

I’ll take “people we got an earful from this week” for two hundred! I was going back and forth through the quotes submitted by our writers this week, and I couldn’t quite understand why the haul seemed so light. Then it dawned on me: ABC didn’t air its new Wednesday night comedy lineup this week. Can you […]

by Aryeh S.

“Making a new friend sure ‘ain’t easy” on 30 Rock

Considering how I once felt about both of them, it’s surprising that I actually am enjoying the team of Tracy and Jenna. Actually, considering how Jenna once felt about Tracy, it’s surprising that they’re enjoying one another. But I suppose you do what you must when faced with a common enemy: a new star on […]

by Aryeh S.

Ratings Clack – V gets off to a great start

The World Series was the big ratings winner last week, but with New York involved, everyone kind of expected that, right? What nobody expected — most notably ABC — was the success of the V premiere. The numbers weren’t just good. It was the highest rated scripted program on the network, topping the Housewives and […]

by Brett Love

Quotation Marks – Bilarious, bike-curious, and bagpiping

I have missed the Supernatural boat. Everyone tells me what a great show it is, but I’ve never taken the time. If this week’s lead quote is any indication, I sure am missing out. The week before the start of November Sweeps also brings us some good quotes from Modern Family and Community. Next week, […]

by Ivey West
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