CliqueClack TV

News, reviews and posts for NBC's 30 Rock

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Quotation Marks – showers, wiener cousins and Brian Williams

One of my favorite things about the Quotation Marks feature is that, when you look at all of these quotes from the week together in one place, it really strikes you how dirty network TV has gotten in the past several years. Whether it’s double entendres about shooting, having sex with the same girl or […]

by Kona Gallagher

30 Rock continues its downward spiral

In their infinite wisdom, the powers that be here at CliqueClack have given me the opportunity (yet again) to air my grievances about 30 Rock. Somebody’s asleep at the wheel! And not only here; over at 30 Rock, as well. Bob’s recently been writing about the good run the show’s been on; permission to respectfully […]

by Aryeh S.

Ratings Clack – What does the Prison Break failure mean for Dollhouse?

It was another up and down week for numbers, where we saw some shows rebound (Heroes, Lost), while others continue to raise eyebrows (Better Off Ted, Samantha Who?, CSI). Through it all, the most intriguing story is again the FOX Friday night. Prison Break took over where Terminator:TSCC left off, literally and figuratively. What does […]

by Brett Love

30 Rock – Liz learns how much she loves TGS

This week’s episode of 30 Rock featured a whole lot of Jenna, which usually isn’t such a good thing. In most cases, the supporting characters aren’t lead characters for a reason. It was also really strange to see Jack and Jenna spending so much time together. I have to admit, though, that I’ve really enjoyed […]

by Bob Degon

Ratings Clack – Bad numbers everywhere on my schedule

Man … last week was just a bloodbath in the ratings. With the exception of Thursday night, it was bad news for all of the shows at the top of my list for every night. Kings on Sunday, Chuck and Heroes on Monday, Reaper on Tuesday, Better Off Ted and Lost on Wednesday, and Dollhouse […]

by Brett Love

30 Rock – Liz is a whore

Important lessons continue to be learned on 30 Rock. This week, we viewers learned that if you sexually harass in the work place, everything will magically turn out alright. At least it did for Liz in this episode. The string of good episodes continued this week, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that it […]

by Bob Degon
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