CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for ABC's Lost

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Ratings Clack – Good news for Castle, not so much for Dollhouse

We’re on the verge of it now. Over the next two weeks all of our favorite shows are going to be ending, and some of those tough decisions will have to be made by the networks. These final few ratings numbers will play heavily in those decisions. With that in mind, the week brought good […]

by Brett Love

Lost: Follow the Leader – Live-blog/chat

Hey everyone! It’s the 101st episode of Lost, but more importantly, it’s the third-to-last episode of the season! Yes, it’s almost the end, at least for a while. Before tonight’s episode, check back on Bob Degon’s review of last week’s episode or his latest Lost in Lost post. Join us here, in this post, tonight […]

by Keith McDuffee

Ratings Clack – Chuck and Heroes kick off finale season

And just like that, finale season is upon us. Over the next few weeks, all of our favorite shows will be pulling out all the stops and heading off into the summer break, with hopes of returning for another go in the fall. Some of them, no doubt, will be disappointed in that regard. Aside […]

by Brett Love

Lost in Lost – Can you change the future?

I didn’t even realize that we only have two weeks of Lost left until after this week’s episode, when I had to look it up. I’m choosing not to acknowledge that reality, or I would have to face the fact that I’m suffering Lost withdrawal before the season is even over. Enough of that type […]

by Bob Degon

Lost – 100th episode (live-blog/chat)

So what if tonight marks the 100th day that President Obama’s been in office — this is the 100th episode of Lost tonight, baby! I’ve made mention that we’d finally get around to doing a live-blog/chat for Lost here on CliqueClack during the past couple of Heroes chats Kona’s held, and lo and behold, here […]

by Keith McDuffee
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