CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for ABC's Lost

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Ratings Clack – Bad numbers everywhere on my schedule

Man … last week was just a bloodbath in the ratings. With the exception of Thursday night, it was bad news for all of the shows at the top of my list for every night. Kings on Sunday, Chuck and Heroes on Monday, Reaper on Tuesday, Better Off Ted and Lost on Wednesday, and Dollhouse […]

by Brett Love

Lost in Lost – An ode to the red shirts

Lost is great at doing many things: creating mysteries, setting a mood, character development, etc, etc. There is one thing, however, that they really excel at, surpassing any other show on television. What is that one thing, you ask? Killing minor characters! This week it was Caesar who met his untimely end, at the hands […]

by Bob Degon

Lost – Ben is judged

Michael Emerson‘s performance as Ben continues to astound me. It’s not a surprise that Ben is one of the creepiest characters on TV. What caught my attention this week, however, was how Ben seems to be at his creepiest when he’s being friendly. I think the small moment on the beach when he was talking […]

by Bob Degon

Lost in Lost – Some Ben Speculation

Well, no answers on Daniel this week, and I don’t think there will be any anytime soon. Oh, well. There is never a shortage of things to talk about on Lost. This week, I want to turn my attention to Ben. This past week’s episode focused on the young version of the diabolical other, and […]

by Bob Degon

Ratings Clack – NBC has something to cheer about…

… finally. Much of last week could be described as more of the same for the folks over at NBC. But this particular Thursday was different. Not only because of ER taking over the entire night. It also brought a clear win for the night to the network, calling to mind the Must See TV […]

by Brett Love

Lost – It’s all about the kids this week

This episode was chock full of answers, wasn’t it? We found out exactly what Sawyer whispered to Kate in the helicopter, some light was shed on the fate of Ben, and we discovered what happened to Aaron before Kate returned to the island. I would say that those are more answers than your average episode […]

by Bob Degon

Ratings Clack – Heroes and Dollhouse hit new lows

(3/22 – 3/38) It was another screwy week of ratings. The combination of the Obama address and the NCAA tournament made for all kinds of scheduling nuttery. That doesn’t meant there weren’t some interesting numbers to look at. The ongoing dramas of the Heroes and Dollhouse ratings continued. Chopping Block managed to post a number […]

by Brett Love
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