I’m not saying it will help, but it can’t hurt to make our voices heard in one place. Vote in the poll for ‘Dark Blue’, and maybe, just maybe, TNT will hear our voices and return our show to us as it was meant to be!
I woke up with visions of premieres dancing in my head. It was kind of like watching Buzz Aldrin on ‘Dancing with the Stars.’ He started with iconic promise, but it soon became obvious he was beyond his capabilities and tried too hard.
We’re on the verge of full schedules. This week, the CW got the new season rolling with 8 new hours of programming. Those results were rather curious. Over on cable, tick-tock ‘Terriers’.
After waiting an inordinate amount of time for it to return, ‘Dark Blue’ finished its second season last night in record time. I’m not really sure what the rush was … can TNT not spare the hour in its busy week?
We are still a couple weeks away from full schedules, but the CW got the fall 2010 season rolling with four premieres. Over on cable, FX had a pair of premieres of their own in ‘Sons of Anarchy’ and ‘Terriers’.
Tonight we got not one, but two episodes of ‘Dark Blue.’ I was hoping that back-to-back episodes would mean a case that carried from one episode to the other, but unfortunately they were two standalone undercover cases. Carla Day fills in for the review this week.
Finally the TV summer comes to a close. Next week we will have new fall network shows to talk about! That means a whole lot more scripted programming numbers, and a whole lot less ‘Shaq Vs.’